Publications 2020

Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science

  1. Pindsoo K., Soomere T. 2020. Basin-wide variations in trends in water level maxima in the Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 193, art. no. 104029,
  2. Varbla S., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2020. Validation of marine geoid models by utilizing hydrodynamic model and shipborne GNSS profiles. Marine Geodesy, 43 (2), 134−162,
  3. Suara K.A., Khanarmuei M., Ghosh A., Yu Y., Zhang H., Soomere T., Brown R.J. 2020. Transport patterns in Moreton Bay, Australia unveiled using Lagrangian coherent structure. Science of the Total Environment, 721, art. no. 137715,
  4. Parnell K.E., Smithers S.G. 2020. Regional and Local Variability in Coastal Processes in Torres Strait, Australia, and its Importance for Climate Change Planning. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 95, 616–620,
  5. Kudryavtseva N., Räämet A., Soomere T. 2020. Coastal flooding: Joint probability of extreme water levels and waves along the Baltic Sea coast. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 95, 1146–1151,
  6. Rätsep M., Parnell K.E., Soomere T. 2020. Detecting ship wakes for the study of coastal processes. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 95, 1258–1262,
  7. Varbla S., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2020. Utilizing airborne laser scanning and geoid model for near-coast improvements in sea surface height and marine dynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 95, 1339–1343,
  8. Dreier N., Männikus R., Fröhle P. 2020. Long-term changes of waves at the German Baltic Sea coast: Are there trends from the past? Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 95, 1416–1421,
  9. Kurkin A., Rybin A., Soomere T., Kurkina O., Rouvinskaya E., 2020. Spatial distribution of energy of low-frequency internal waves in the Baltic Sea, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 8, art. no. 184, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00184.
  10. Rätsep M., Parnell K.E., Soomere T., Kruusmaa M., Ristolainen A., Tuhtan J.A. 2020. Using spectrograms from underwater total pressure sensors to detect passing vessels in a coastal enviroment. Journal of Oceanic and Atmospheric Technology, 37 (8), 1353–1363, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0192.1.
  11. Rakisheva Z.B., Delpeche-Ellmann N., Sakhayeva A.K. 2020. Studying upwelling phases in the Kazakhstan part of the Caspian Sea. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 11 (1), art. no. 45,
  12. Parnell K.E., Hosking P.L., McLean R.F., Nichol S.L. 2020. Multidecadal shoreline monitoring at Parengarenga, northern New Zealand: From dumpy level to LiDAR. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 101, 165–171,
  13. Parnell K.E. 2020. A big wave at Pouto, Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand. Journal of Coastal Research,  Special Issue 101, 291–294,
  14. Soomere T., Pindsoo K., Eelsalu M., Kudryavtseva N. 2020. Variability of distributions of wave set-up heights along a shoreline with complicated geometry. Ocean Science, 16, 1047–1065,
  15. Männikus R., Soomere T., Viška M. 2020. Variations in the mean, seasonal and extreme water level on the Latvian coast, the eastern Baltic Sea, during 1961–2018. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 245, art. no. 106827,

Papers in collections

  1. Kudryavtseva N., Räämet A., Soomere T. 2020. Coastal flooding: Joint probability of extreme water levels and waves along the Baltic Sea coast. In: 3rd Baltic Earth Conference „Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts“. To be held in Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020, Held online, 2–3 June 2020. Conference Proceedings. Silke Köppen, Marcus Reckermann, eds. International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication No. 18, Geesthacht, Germany, June 2020, 70–71.
  2. Männikus R., Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2020. Differences in stationary and non-stationary analysis of water level extremes in Latvian waters, Baltic Sea, during 1961–2018. Ibid., 74–75.
  3. Giudici A., Suara K., Soomere T., Brown R. 2020. A first look to Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Gulf of Finland as a mean to identify hotspots of surface particle aggregation. Ibid., 97–98.
  4. Barzehkar M., Parnell K., Soomere T. 2020. Decision support tools for the management of eastern Baltic Sea coasts. Ibid., 135–136.
  5. Parnell K.E, Soomere T. 2020. The application of coastal geomorphic process concepts to eastern Baltic Sea conditions in a changing climate. Ibid., 143–144.
  6. Najafzadeh F., Kudryavtseva N., Giudici A., Soomere T. 2020. Estimating the wave statistics bias in the partially ice-covered regions of the Baltic Sea. Ibid., 175–176.


  1. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Mostafavi M., Ellmann A. 2020. Examining the Performance Sentinel-3A SAR Altimetry Retrackers and Hydrodynamic Models sing a High Resolution Geoid Model in the Baltic Sea. 12th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, abstract book, 12: 12th Coastal Altimetry workshop, Feb. 4–7, 2020, Frascati, Italy.
  2. Mostafavi M., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2020. Validation of Multi-Satellite Altimetry Data Utilizing a High-Resolution Marine Geoid for the Baltic. 12th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, abstract book, 12: 12th Coastal Altimetry workshop, Feb. 4–7, 2020, Frascati, Italy.
  3. Mostafavi M., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2020. River Water Level Monitoring from Satellite Radar Altimetry Multi Missions: A Case Study of the Amazon and Danube. 12th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, abstract book, 12: 12th Coastal Altimetry workshop, Feb. 4–7, 2020, Frascati, Italy.
  4. Soomere T. 2020. Connecting science, society and policy: experience of a small country. In: 3rd Baltic Earth Conference „Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts“. To be held in Jastarnia, Hel Peninsula, Poland, 1 to 5 June 2020, Held online, 2–3 June 2020. Conference Proceedings. Silke Köppen, Marcus Reckermann, eds. International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication No. 18, Geesthacht, Germany, June 2020, 10.

Popular science and science policy

  1. [Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia ja Tartu Ülikool] 2020. [In memoriam] Ilmar Koppel 16. I 1940 – 9. I 2020. Sirp (the cultural weekly), 2(3774), 17.02.2020, 38 (in Estonian).
  2. Soomere T., Lust E. 2020. [In memoriam] Ilmar Koppel 16. I 1940 – 9. I 2020. Universitatis Tartuensis, February 2020, nr 2(2490), 44–45 (in Estonian).
  3. Soomere T. 2020. [In memoriam] Valdek Kulbach 6. IV 1927 – 31. I 2020. (Järelhüüe Kaarli kirikus.) Sirp, 6(3778), 14.02.2020, 38 (in Estonian).
  4. [Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia] 2020. Kõrgtase nii minevikku analüüsides kui ka tänaseid toimetusi tehes. Sirp, 7(3779), 21.02.2020, 12; Vältides igavaid inimesi ja olukordi, Ibid., 12; Liitprotsendid geenipangast. Ibid., 13; Eluslooduse Mendelejevi tabel, Ibid., 13; Füüsika keerulise hingeeluga ruumides. Ibid., 14; Eemaldades tõrvatilku meepotist. Ibid., 14; Närvirakkude kasvu ergutajad ja piirajad. Ibid., 14–15; Tervel kehal terve nahk. Ibid., 15; Müstilise viikingiaja vägev reaalsus. Ibid., 15; Õpiedukuse tehnoloogiline tugi. Ibid., 15 (Overview of laureates of national research awards, in Estonian).
  5. Soomere T. 2020. Kliimamuutuste keerukas
    muster võimendab ebavõrdsust (The complicated pattern of climate changes enhances contrasts in society). Õpetajate Leht (Teachers Weekly), 7, 21.02.2020, 5 (in Estonian).
  6. Soomere T. 2020. Tummad faktid kriisijärgsest homsest (Silent facts from the post-crisis time). Äripäev (Business Weekly), 56(6354), 23.03.2020, 12.
  7. Soomere T. 2020. Andmete peitmine toob ohvreid (Hiding data means loss of lives). Postimees, 78(7089), 03.04.2020, 14 (in Estonian).
  8. Parnell K., Soomere T., Männikus R., Tõnisson H. 2020. Raudne rannakaitse hävitab randa. Postimees (The Postman), 90(7101), 18.04.2020, 20 (in Estonian).
  9. Minnik, T., Soomere T. (vastutav toimetaja) 2020. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia sõnas ja pildis 2019 [Yearbook of Estonian Academy of Sciences: Words and Images]. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 113 pp. (In Estonian).
  10. Soomere T. 2020. Akadeemik Tarmo Soomere: Inimestele ebavajalike asjade pähemäärimine ei lakka. (Henry Linnard, Milline on maailm pärast koroonaviirust? Ekspertide hinnangul endiselt ümmargune), Õhtuleht (The Evening Daily), 25.04.2020, 11 (in Estonian).
  11. Soomere T. 2020. Julgete lahenduste kõrval viib maailma edasi vajadus midagi teha (The driving forces of our world). Inseneeria Director (Engineering. Director Magazine), 5(204), May 2020, 64–69 (in Estonian).
  12. Soomere T. 2020. Ämblikuprossiga geenius. (Kommentaar Cedric Villani intervjuule). Eesti Päevaleht LP, 21(396), 22.05.2020, 23 (in Estonian).
  13. Soomere T., Niinemets Ü., Randma-Liiv T., Järv J. 2020. Sammud tuleviku poole (Steps towards future that is worth of living). Postimees, 121(7132), 26.05.2020, 15 (in Estonian).
  14. Soomere T. 2020. Tarmo Soomere: Eesti hakkab juhtima peateadurite foorumit. Postimees, online, 30.06.2020 at 22:16, (in Estonian).
  15. Soomere T. (vastutav toimetaja) 2020. Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2020. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 358 pp. (In Estonian).
  16. Soomere T. 2020. Eessõna (Foreword). Rmt: Soomere T. (ed.) 2020. Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2020. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 18–25.
  17. Soomere T. 2020. Teaduspreemiate komisjoni esimehe tervitus. Laureaatide tutvustus. Rmt: Soomere T. (vastutav toimetaja) 2020. Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2020. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 18–25 (in Estonian).
  18. Vasar, E., Soomere, T. 2020. Euroopa teaduste akadeemiate regeneratiivmeditsiini tulevikuvisioon (Vision of European academies on regenerative medicine). Sirp, 27(3799), 10.07.2020, 22–23 (in Estonian).
  19. Soomere T. 2020. Teadusnõustamise tuleproov (The best of science advice during COVID-19). Sirp, 31(3803), 07.08.2020, 22–23 (in Estonian).
  20. Soomere T. 2020. Metsaga ei tohi mängida (Do not play games with our forests). Postimees, 199(7210), 28.08.2020, 17 (in Estonian).
  21. Soomere T. 2020. Teadlaste argumendid lammutavad puidu põletamist soosivat maksumüüri (Arguments of scientists collapse the tax exeptions of wood burning for energy). Postimees, 206(7217), 05.09.2020, Arvamus. Kultuur, 562, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  22. Soomere T. 2020. Vaidlus vesiniku üle kisub jaburaks (Strange arguments against hydrogen energetics). Postimees, 208(7219), 08.08.2020, 14 (in Estonian).
  23. Soomere T. 2020. Elektrijaam minu aias (YIMBY or power plant in my backyard). Postimees, 226(7237), 29.09.2020, 11 (in Estonian).
  24. Soomere, T. Merepõhi ei ole vaikne hauakoht (Seabed is not a silent graveyard). Postimees, 263(7274), 11.11.2020, 15 (in Estonian).
  25. Soomere, T. Eesti tulevikust: metsata või metsaga (The future of Estonia: with or without forest). Maaleht (The Farmers Weekly), 46(1727), 12.11.2020, 12–13 (in Estonian).
  26. Soomere, T. 2020. Kroonides kommunikatsiooni (The crown of communication). – KesKus (monthly cultural magazine), December 2020–January 2021, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  27. Soomere, T. 2020. Mööda väärtusahelat mugavustsoonist välja (Climbing out the the confidence zone). Elektriala (the monthly magazine of electrical enterprises), 8/2020, 17.12.2020, 5 (in Estonian)
  28. Soomere, T. 2020. Teaduse ja ettevõtluse koostöö konarlik tee (A long way towards cooperation of academia and enterprises). Elektriala, 8/2020,17.12.2020, 8–10 (in Estonian).

    About us

  1. Henry Linnard 2020. Tarmo Soomere: oleme elus tänu sellele, et loodus on meie liitlane (A longer interview about interrelations of mankind and nature). Tulevikus ei pruugi see enam nii olla. Õhtuleht, 10.02.2020, 4–5 (in Estonian).
  2. Kadri Kütt 2020. Teaduste akadeemia juhi Tarmo Soomere filosoofia: pehme jõud ja lõputu veenmine (A longer interview about how to drive and lead science). Inseneeria Director (Engineering. Director monthly magazine), 2(201), February 2020, 10–17 (in Estonian).
  3. Linnard H. Akadeemik Tarmo Soomere: Inimestele ebavajalike asjade pähemäärimine ei lakka (A longer interview about the how the post-pandemic world looks like). – Õhtuleht, 25.04.2020, 11 (in Estonian).
  4. Joosep Tiks 2020. Tarmo Soomere: kui koroonaviirusele vaktsiini ega ravi ei leita, tuleb maskiball (Interview about perspectives of exiting the pandemic). Eesti Päevaleht, 65, 29.04.2020, 4–5 (in Estonian).
  5. Rainer Kerge 2020. Tarmo Soomere: Kui meil enam külma talve ei ole, võib kogu maailm seisma jääda (About the importance of cold winters). Kalale! Looduses (monthly magazine), 5, juuni 2020, 16–24 (in Estonian).
  6. Jaan-Juhan Oidermaa 2020. Mäng kolme džinniga tõukab Eesti kliimamuutuste epitsentrisse (Interplay of three drivers pushes Estonia to the focus of climate change). Novaator, 18.06.2020, (in Estonian).
  7. Katrin Helend-Aaviku 2020. Tarmo Soomere kliimamuutustest: Eestil on vedanud, aga peame vaatama maailma laiemalt. Igaühe panus loeb (Estonia is relatively immune with respect to climate changes). Õhtuleht, 27.06.2020, 20–21, (in Estonian).
  8. Juku-Kalle Raid 2020. Teaduste Akadeemia peakubjas Tarmo Soomere: „Hädad ei tule äkitselt!“ (Comments on interrelations of climate change and forestry). Metsamees (magazine of the  national forestry enterprise), August 2020, 2(139), 22–23 (in Estonian).