Publications 2019

Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science

  1. Tan Phong Nguyen, Parnell, K.E. 2019. Coastal land use planning in Ben Tre, Vietnam: constraints and recommendations. Heliyon, 5, e01487, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.
  2. Giudici A., Kalda, J., Soomere T. 2019. Generation of large pollution patches via collisions of sticky floating parcels driven by wind and surface currents. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 573−585, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.02.039.
  3. Männikus R., Soomere T., Kudryavtseva N. 2019. Identification of mechanisms that drive water level extremes from in situ measurements in the Gulf of Riga during 1961–2017. Continental Shelf Research, 182, 22−36, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.05.014.
  4. Salupere A., Rätsep M. 2019. On solitonic solutions for the hyperelastic rod equation. Wave Motion, 91, 102404, doi: 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.102404.
  5. Bagdanavičiūtė I., Kelpšaitė L., Galinienė J., Soomere T. 2019. Index based multi-criteria approach to coastal risk assessment. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23(4), 785–800, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0638-5.
  6. Kudryavtseva N., Kussembayeva K., Rakisheva Z.B., Soomere T. 2019. Spatial variations in the Caspian Sea wave climate in 2002–2013 from satellite altimetry. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences68(4), 225–240, doi: 10.3176/earth.2019.16.
  7. Scarpa G.M., Zaggia L., Manfè G., Lorenzetti G., Parnell K.E., Soomere T., Rapaglia J., Molinaroli E. 2019. The effects of ship wakes in the Venice Lagoon and implications for the sustainability of shipping in coastal waters. Scientific Reports, 9, art. no. 19014, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-55238-z.
  8. Birgiel E., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2019. Performance of Sentinel-3A SAR Altimetry Retrackers: The SAMOSA Coastal Sea Surface Heights for the Baltic Sea. In: Sanchez, L. (Ed.). International Review Workshop on Satellite Altimetry Cal/Val Activities & Applications. Springer. International Association of Geodesy Symposia. doi: 10.1007/1345_2019_59.
  9. Colleter G., Parnell K., Wharton C., Hunt S. 2019. Beach nourishment pattern-placement along the Gold Coast. Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference: Future directions from 40 [degrees] S and beyond, Hobart, 10-13 September 2019. Hobart: Engineers Australia, 206−212.

Edited & peer-reviewed collections

  1. Soomere T., Berezovski A. (eds.) 2019. Applied Wave Mathematics II. Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods and Complexity. Mathematics of Planet Earth 6. Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland. xxiii+376 pp. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29951-4.

Papers in peer-reviewed collections

  1. Rodin A., Zemlyanikin A., Kurkin A., Giudici A., Rodina N. 2019. The run-up of long waves of different polarity on non-reflecting and flat cross-shore profiles. In: 2018 IEEE/OES Baltic International Symposium, BALTIC 2018, art. no. 8634864, doi: 10.1109/BALTIC.2018.8634864.
  2. Rakisheva Z., Kudryavtseva N., Kussembayeva K., Sakhayeva A. 2019. Studying the change of average waves of the Caspian Sea using the altimetry data. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 101(1), 59−75 doi: 10.26577/JMMCS-2019-1-618.
  3. Zaggia L., Barbariol F., Bellafiore D., Benetazzo A., De Pascalis F., Ferrarin C., Manfè G., Lorenzetti G., Scarpa G.M., Dametto L., Broglia R., Zaghi S., Molinaroli E., Gionta M., Maure F., Trevisan N., Parnell K., Soomere T. 2018 (printed 2019). Gli effetti delle navigazione maggiore in Laguna di Venezia. Gazzetta Ambiente, N6/2018, 89–104 (in Italian).


  1. Harff J., Soomere T., Zhang H. 2019. Journal of Coastal Conservation special issue “Coast and society”. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 23, 713–716, doi: 10.1007/s11852-019-00705-y
  2. Berezovski A., Soomere T. 2019. Preface. In: Applied Wave Mathematics II. Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods and Complexity, pp. vii–xi. (Mathematics of Planet Earth 6.) Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29951-4 (entire book).
  3. Kutser M., Soomere T. 2019. Jüri Engelbrecht: From hardcore science to great leadership. In: Applied Wave Mathematics II. Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods and Complexity, pp. xiii–xvii. (Mathematics of Planet Earth 6.) Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29951-4 (entire book)
  4. Soomere T. 2019. An attempt to classify brilliance. In: Applied Wave Mathematics II. Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and Mathematical Methods and Complexity, pp. xix–xxi. (Mathematics of Planet Earth 6.) Springer Nature, Cham Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-29951-4 (entire book)


  1. Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2019. Non-stationary modeling reveals strong connection between extreme water level changes and NAO along the Baltic Sea coast. [Baltic Sea Science Congress, Stockholm, 19-23 August 2019. Christoph Humborg, Ed. Stockholm University.] Abstracts, 111,!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf
  2. Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2019. Non-Stationary Modelling of Extreme Water Levels along the Baltic Sea Coast Reveals a Strong Relation to NAO. EVAN 2019 Book of Abstracts: EVAN 2019 Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application to Natural Hazards, EDF R&D Chatou, France, 17-19 September 2019. SHF Paris: SHF, The French Hydro Society, 53−53.
  3. Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2019. Multi-mission satellite altimetry shows changes in extreme wave heights over the Baltic Sea and their connection to the NAO and AO climatic indices. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, 13-17 May 2019. The ESA Symposium website.
  4. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Soomere T., Kudryavtseva N. 2019. Hidden secrets of transverse coastal upwelling jets revealed using a synergy of data in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Ibid., 112,!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf
  5. Najafzdeh F., Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2019. Baltic Sea wave climate variability and its connection with climatic indices deduced from Empirical Orthogonal Functions. Ibid.,125,!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf
  6. Najafzdeh F., Kudryavtseva N., Soomere T. 2019. Effects of the sampling bias on retrieved modes of wave climate variations from satellite altimetry: Baltic Sea case study. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, 13-17 May 2019. The ESA Symposium website.
  7. Kruusmaa M., Parnell K.E., Ristolainen A., Rätsep M., Soomere T. 2019. Ship wake analysis using an array of nearbed sensors. Ibid., 292,!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf
  8. Parnell K., Soomere T. 2019. Coastal processes and changing process drivers in the Baltic Sea: What communities and local policy makers need to know. Ibid., 344,!/menu/standard/file/abstracts_A5_ny.pdf
  9. Kelpsaite-Rimkienė L, Kondrat V Parnell K. 2019. Sandy coast cross-shore profile changes in a high wave energy environment, Palanga, Baltic Sea (Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly)
  10. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Varbla S., Jahanmard V., Ellmann A. 2019. Deeper insights into the validation of hydrodynamic models using a synergy of remote sensing data. Bal
    tic Earth Workshop “Climate projections and uncertainties in the northern Baltic Sea region” programme, abstracts, participants, 16: Baltic Earth Workshop on Climate projections and uncertainties in the northern Baltic Sea region, Helsinki, Finland, November 19-20, 2019. Geesthacht, GKSS Research Centre: International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication Series, 14−15.
  11. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Viikmäe B., Pindsoo K., Soomere T., 2019. An Assessment and
    Quantification of Sea Surface Currents Using Satellite Altimetry, In-situ and Hydrodynamic Model Data for the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, 13-17 May 2019
  12. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Ellmann A., Birgiel E. 2019. Validation of the Sentinel-3A SRAL
    Altimeter Data for the Coastal Waters of the Baltic Sea. 27th IUGG General Assembly,
    abstract book: 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly,
    Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019. Montreal: International Union of Geodesy and
  13. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Soomere T., Ellmann A. 2019. Examining and Quantifying the Role of Transverse Jets in Coastal Upwellings, from a Lagrangian Transport Perspective. 27th IUGG General Assembly, abstract book: 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019. Montreal: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
  14. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Ellmann A. 2019. An Iterative Approach for Near-Coast Marine Geoid Modelling and Sea Level Analysis using Satellite Altimetry, In-Situ and Modeled data. 27th IUGG General Assembly, abstract book: 27th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18, 2019. Montreal: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
  15. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Soomere T., Kudryavtseva N. 2019. Hidden secrets of transverse coastal upwelling jets revealed using a synergy of data in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Science Congress 2019 Book of Abstracts: Baltic Sea Science Congress, Stockholm, 19-23 August 2019. Stockholm University: Stockholm: Stockholm University, 112.
  16. Varbla S., Ellmann A., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2019. Utilising airborne laser scanning and geoid model for examining marine processes. 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress, abstract book: 12th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19-23, 2019. Stockholm:Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre, 166.

Popular science and science policy

  1. Soomere T. 2019. Demokraatia kui alternatiivmõtlemise suplus peavoolus. Sirp (the cultural weekly), 3(3725), 25.01.2019, 34–35 (in Estonian).
  2. Soomere T. 2019. Süsiniku eri vormid ühisel tööturul. KesKus (the cultural monthly), veebruar 2019, 10–11 (in Estonian).
  3. Soomere T. 2019. Kas leiduks küünalt, mis levitaks pimedust? KesKus, märts 2019, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  4. Soomere T. 2019. Poolsurnud kassist rehepapliku deemonini. Postimees, 81(8588), 06.04.2019, Arvamus. Kultuur, 507, 7 (in Estonian).
  5. Soomere T. (chief editor), Suurväli, P. 2019. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia sõnas ja pildis 2018. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 120 pp. (in Estonian).
  6. Greete Palmiste 2019. Tarmo Soomere: maailmavaateline mitmekesisus aitab meil liigina ellu jääda. Eesti Ekspress, 17(1533), 24.04.2019, 18–20 (in Estonian).
  7. Soomere T. 2019. Võitlus ruumi eest, kus tõde levida saaks. Eesti Ekspress, 21(1537), 22.05.2019, 46 (in Estonian).
  8. Soomere T. 2019. Kui taltsutad, siis vastutad. KesKus, juuni 2019, 8–9 (in Estonian).
  9. Soomere T. (chief editor) 2019. Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2019. Teadus. F.J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Sport. Kultuur. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 319 pp. (in Estonian).
  10. Soomere T. (chief editor) 2019. Teadusmõte Eestis X. Tehnikateadused III. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 237 pp. (in Estonian).
  11. Soomere T. 2019. Läänemere rahutute rannikute põnevad saladused. In: Teadusmõte Eestis X. Tehnikateadused III. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 177–189 (in Estonian).
  12. Soomere T. 2019. Teaduspreemiate komisjoni esimehe tervitus. Teaduspreemiate tutvustus. Rmt: Eesti Vabariigi preemiad 2019. Teadus. F.J. Wiedemanni keeleauhind. Sport. Kultuur. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 12–19 (in Estonian).
  13. Soomere T. 2019. Uus reaalsus: vaidluses on kõigil korraga on õigus. Eesti Ekspress, 24.07.2019 (in Estonian).
  14. Soomere T. 2019. Mull aja meres. KesKus, juuli-august 2019, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  15. Soomere T. 2019. Intelligentsus kui ruumivajaduse mõõt. Sirp (the cultural weekly), 32(3754), 16.08.2019, 26–27 (in Estonian).
  16. Soomere T. 2019. [Mis on Eestis hea?] Pealinn, xx.08.2019 (in Estonian).
  17. Soomere T. 2019. Tarmo Soomere: öelda, et keegi ei «usu» kliimamuutusi on juba religiooni küsimus. Postimees Online, 13.09.2019, 17:03; (in Estonian)
  18. Soomere 2019. Kolme minuti pikkune igavik. Raamatus: Teadus kolme minutiga 2017–2019, Argo, Tallinn, 9–13; Võiduloengud 2017, ibid., 18–23; Võiduloengud 2019, ibid., 29–35; Kolm x 17 minutit uut normaalsust, ibid., 232–239 (in Estonian).
  19. Soomere 2019. Kolme minuti pikkune igavik. Sirp, 38(3760), 27.09.2019, 36–37, (in Estonian).
  20. Soomere T. 2019. Tarmo Soomere kliimamuutusest: 2008. aasta teadmiste põhjal tegi Lippmaa õige järelduse. Oleks huvitav teada, mida ta arvaks nüüdseks lisandunud andmete valguses. Eesti Päevaleht, Online, 10.10.2019, (in Estonian).
  21. Soomere T. 2019. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia president Tarmo Soomere: Lippmaa ei valetanud, vaid lähtus tänaseks vananenud infost. Õhtuleht, 10.10.2019, 21:46, (in Estonian).
  22. Soomere T. 2019. Tarmo Soomere: ühiskonnal pole ükskõik, mida ja kuidas teadlased teevad. Postimees, 22.10.2019, (in Estonian).
  23. Soomere T. 2019. Läänemere idaranniku veetaseme paeluvad mustrid. Rmt.: Tinn, O., Põldsaar, K., Soomer, S. (toim.) Kliima. Schola Geologica XV. Eesti Loodusuurijate Selts, Tartu, 37–44 (in Estonian).
  24. Soomere T. Muutuvate interpretatsioonide mälu. Sirp, 46(3768), 22.11.2019, 5–6, (in Estonian).
  25. Soomere T. 2019. Tarmo Soomere: põlevkiviõli tootmine on julgeoleku seisukohast vajalik. Postimees Online, 03.12.2019, 19:51, (in Estonian).
  26. Soomere T. 2019. Teaduste akadeemia: kulu või konkurentsieelis. Riigikogu Toimetised 40, 41–53 (in Estonian).
  27. Kareva D., Soomere T. 2019. Valguspurje all. Sirp, 50(3772), 20.12.2019, 4–5, (in Estonian).
  28. Giudici A. 2019. Saaste jälgimise tehnoloogia Soome lahes. Pilt, Ebe; Olevt, Triin
    (Toim.). Teadus kolme minutiga : 2017-2019 (27−29, 26). Tallinn: Argo. (Elav
    teadus; 21).