December 2015

16 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A longer live-on-air discussion with T.Soomere and the vice-chair of the Ministry of Environment about the decisions of the Paris climate conference and their consequences to Estonia in the broadcast series Vahetund Postimehega (An hour with The Postman) in the radio channel Kuku Raadio.

16 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A longer live-on-air comment of T.Soomere about problems in science policy and funding of science in the morning broadcast Terevisioon of the national TV channel ETV.

12 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A citation of T.Soomere about how Estonia should behave responsibly in the light of climate changes was used in the section Kõva sõna (Strong word) of the daily newspaper Postimees, 289(7583), 12.12.2015, p. 2.

10 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

The web article Kas Taavi Rõivase vastus kliimamuutustele on digiallkirjad? (Are digital signatures the true reaction of Estonia to the climate changes?) by Marian Männi cited extensively comments of T.Soomere concerning the contribution of Estonia to emissions of greenhouse gases, Eesti Ekspress/Delfi, published 10.12.2015,

10 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

The article Torm möllas merel ja maal (The storm blew over sea and land) by Rein Raudvere was mostly based on comments T.Soomere, Maaleht, 50 (1470), 10.12.2015, p. 13.

04 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A comment of T.Soomere about the approaching storm to the daily newspaper Päevaleht and the internet news portal Delfi, published at 21:12,

03 December 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

T.Soomere was invited into the live-on-air broadcast Kahekõne (The Discussion) of the national TV channel ETV.

03 December 2015, CONFERENCE

M.Eelsalu, R. Männikus, K.Pindsoo, A.Räämet and T.Soomere participated in the conference Estonian Geohysics 2015″ (Tõravere, Estonia) with two oral presentations:

  • Läänemere ekstreemsete veetasemete põnev matemaatika (Fascinating mathematics of extreme water levels of the Baltic Sea (T.Soomere, co-authors M.Eelsalu and K.Pindsoo),
  • Laineenergia ja selle kasutamise perspektiividest Läänemeres (Perspectives of the use of wave energy of the Baltic Sea (M.Eelsalu, co-author T.Soomere)

and with three poster presentations:

  • Laineaju panus ekstreemsetesse veetasemetesse Tallinna ümbruses (The contribution of wave set-up to extreme water level in the region of Tallinn) (K.Pindsoo, co-author T.Soomere),
  • Lainekliima ansamblipõhine taastamine viimase poolsajandi kohta (Ensemble-based reconstruction of the wave climate) (A.Räämet, co-authors T.Soomere and I.Nikolkina),
  • Liiva transpordi kvantifitseerimine Russalka lähistel laserskaneerimise ja tasakaalulise rannaprofiili teooria alusel (Quantification of sand transport near the Russalka monument (Tallin) based on laser scanning data and theory of equilibrium beach profile) (R.Männikus, co-authors M.Eelsalu and T.Soomere).


November 2015

30 November 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

T.Soomere provided a comment on the approaching storm to the major news program Aktuaalne Kaamera of the national Russian-language TV channel ETV+.

26 November 2015, DISTINCTION

T.Soomere was elected a foreign member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

19-20 November 2015, SCIENCE POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the International Council for Science (ICSU) European Group meeting (Paris, France).


T.Soomere presented the latest results on ship wake analysis to the research centre UMR Gulliver 7083 (led by Prof. Elie Raphael), The City of Paris Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution ESPCI.

12–13 November 2015, PROJECT MEETING

The Wave Engineering Laboratory team organised the Tempus SESREMO project reporting and planning meeting in Tallinn (Estonian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology). The team members presented two short master classes to the participants.


T.Soomere participated in the 7th World Science Forum (Budapest, Hungary).


October 2015

29 October 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

An interview of T.Soomere broadcast in the section Saame hakkama! (We can do that) of the broadcast series Huvitaja of the national radio channel Vikerraadio.

22–23 October 2015, CONFERENCE

A.Giudici, T.Soomere and B.Viikmäe participated in the 28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM-28 with three presentations:

the opening lecture Approximate numerical solutions ot inverse problems for preventive protection of marine environment (T.Soomere, 22.10.2015)

and two oral presentations:

  • Finnish Meteorological Institute’s open data mining tool (A.Giudici, co-author T.Soomere, 23.10.2015)
  • Temporal scales for nearshore hits of current-driven pollution in the Gulf of Finland (B.Viikmäe, 22.10.2015).

13-15 October 2015, SCIENCE POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the ExCom meeting and spring plenary meeting of the European Marine Board, Split, Croatia.

05 October 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

T.Soomere commented on the role of popularisation in the functioning of scientific landscape in Tallinn TV broadcast INFO+.

02 October 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A comment by T.Soomere (by phone) to the radio broadcast Huvitaja of the national radio channel Vikerraadio about potential adverse impacts of the major dredging at Bronka Harbour (near Saint Petersburg) on the ecosystem of the Gulf of Finland.

01 October 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A longer comment by T.Soomere to the news broadcast Reporter of TV channel Kanal 2 on the possible closure of the popular science journal Horisont.


September 2015

25 September 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A short comment of T.Soomere about possible closure of the major popular science journal Horisont to the main news program Aktuaalne Kaamera of the Estonian national TV channel ETV.

18 September 2015, OPENING LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the opening lecture Kõrghariduse imperatiiv: majanduse teenrist ühiskonna ja kultuuri veduriks (The imperative of higher education: from providing services for economy to the driver of society and culture) to the vision conference of the Estonian Art Academy (Conference centre of Riigikogu [the Estonian parliament], Tallinn, Estonia).

15 September 2015, PUBLIC LECTURE

B.Viikmäe presented the public lecture Laevateede optimeerimine Soome lahel pinnahoovuste mustrite põhjal (Optimising fairways in the Gulf of Finland using patterns of surface currents) in the Estonian Mechanics Days, Tallinn University of Technology.

11 September 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Karl Kello. Teaduse vastutus – teadlase vastutus (The responsibility of science and scientists, based on the interview with T.Soomere), Õpetajate Leht (Teachers’ Weekly), 11.09.2015.

04 Sept
ember 2015,

T.Soomere presented the public lecture The smart use of currents for environmental management of marine activities in the College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University (Townsville, Australia).


August 2015

30 August-03 September 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Torsvik participated in the 7th Warnemünde Turbulence Days (Isle of Vilm, Germany) with the poster presentation “Wind forcing influence on surface drifter motion in the Gulf of Finland” (T.Torsvik, N.Delpeche-Ellmann).


T.Soomere presented an overview Wave dynamics and Lagrangian transport for coastal and maritime engineering about recent research in the Wave Engineering Laboratory to the seminar in the School of Civil Engineering, the University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia).


T.Soomere, M.Eelsalu and K.Pindsoo presented to the extended seminar in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia), a selection of research highlights in the Wave Engineering Laboratory:

  • Inverse problem approach to smart use of currents for environmental management of maritime activities (T.Soomere),
  • Quantification of changes in the beach volume by applying an inverse Bruun’s Rule and laser scanning technology (M.Eelsalu),
  • Quantification of the impact of vessel wakes to the transport of coarse sediments (K.Pindsoo)

22 July 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

The journal Enerģija un Pasaule published a longer interview Par Baltijas jūras ekoloģiju un viļņu enerģiju (in Latvian) about studies into wave energy potential. The interview was largely based on material reflected in the paper [Soomere T., Eelsalu M., 2014. On the wave energy potential along the eastern Baltic Sea coast, Renewable Energy 71, 221–233] (Enerģija un Pasaule, 4(93), August–September 2015, 68–71).


July 2015

22 July 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

The portal Novaator published an overview by M.Himma TTÜ teadlased lahendasid Veneetsia veelohkude mõistatuse (Scientists of the Tallinn University of Technology solved the puzzle of long-living water surface depressions in Venice Lagoon) that reflects the key message of the papers [Parnell K.E., Soomere T., Zaggia L., Rodin A., Lorenzetti G., Rapaglia J., Scarpa G.M. 2015. Ship-induced solitary Riemann waves of depression in Venice Lagoon. Physics Letters A, 379(6), 555–559] and [Rodin A., Soomere T., Parnell K.E., Zaggia L. 2015. Numerical simulation of the propagation of ship-induced Riemann waves of depression into Venice Lagoon. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64 (1), 22–35].

09 July 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

The portal Novaator published an overview by M.Himma Eesti teadlased leidsid õhuvoolude muutusest võimaliku põhjuse Läänemere soolsuse vähenemisele (Estonian scientists identified a change in air flow as a possible reason for the decrease in the Baltic Sea salinity) that reflects the key message of the paper [Soomere T., Bishop S.R., Viška M., Räämet A. 2015. An abrupt change in winds that may radically affect the coasts and deep sections of the Baltic Sea. Climate Research, 62, 163–171].

22 June-02 July 2015, CONFERENCE

N.Delpeche-Ellmann participated in the 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Prague, Czech Republic) with the oral presentation Using surface current-driven Lagrangian transport patterns to mitigate the risk of pollution to Marine Protected Areas in the Baltic Sea and the poster presentation Comparison of simulated and observed Lagrangian drift in the marine surface layer towards Marine Protected Areas in the Baltic Sea (co-authors of both presentations T.Torsvik and T.Soomere).


June 2015

21-26 June 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Torsvik participated in the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA) with the oral presentation “Ship wake deformation in the surf zone analyzed by use of a time-frequency method” (T.Torsvik, I.Didenkulova)

19 June 2015, LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the lecture Estonian coasts: fragile balance of water and land to the joint meeting of Oxbridge and Humboldt clubs (Tallinn, Estonian Academy of Sciences).

15-19 June 2015, CONFERENCE

A.Giudici, M.Eelsalu, O.Kovaleva, T.Mingėlaitė, K. Pindsoo, A.Rodin, T.Soomere, T.Torsvik and B.Viikmäe participated in the 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress (Riga, Latvia) with one keynote lecture

Societal challenges in marine science (T.Soomere, 19.06),

seven oral presentations:

  • “Examination of the effects of wind induced forcings on surface drifters circulation patterns in the Gulf of Finland” (N.Delpeche-Ellmann, T.Torsvik),
  • “Measurements of wave transformation in the coastal zone” T.Torsvik, I.Didenkulova, V.V.S.S.R. Hemanth),
  • “Trends in extreme water levels of the eastern Baltic Sea” (K.Pindsoo, T.Soomere),
  • “Separation of the Baltic Sea water level into short-term and multi-weekly components” (T.Soomere, M.Eelsalu),
  • “Ensemble approach for the projections of extreme water levels reveals bias in water level observations” (M.Eelsalu, T.Soomere, K.Pindsoo, P.Lagemaa),
  • “Contribution of wave set-up into the total water level in the Tallinn area” (K.Pindsoo, T.Soomere),
  • “Analysis of sediment transport pattern along the coastal line of the Russian part of the Curonian Spit” (O.Kovaleva, B.Chubarenko, D.Ryabchuk)

and twelve posters

  • “Quantification of the impact of wind for optimising fairways in the Gulf of Finland” (B.Viikmäe, T.Soomere, T.Torsvik),
  • “Investigation of surface currents near Cape Kolka in the Gulf of Riga by use of surface drifters” (T.Torsvik, B.Viikmäe),
  • “Spatial pattern in heavy-mineral concentrations on the Curonian Spit sea coast as indicator of human activities and natural processes” (D.Pupienis, I.Buynevich, D.Jarmalavicius, G.Žilinskas, J.Fedorovic, D.Ryabchuk, O.Kovaleva, A.Sergeev),
  • “A study of the sea surface boundary layer dynamics” (L.Davuliene, L.Kelpšaitė, T.Torsvik, I.Dailidienė),
  • “Quantification of the changes in sediment volume in a small beach applying laser scanning technolog” (M.Eelsalu, T.Soomere, K.Julge, E.Grünthal),
  • “Quantification of the impact of vessel wakes on a shingle-gravel beach” (K.Pindsoo, T.Soomere, M.Eelsalu, H.Tõnisson),
  • “The transformation and run-up of long breaking solitary waves of various polarities on a sloping beach” (A.Rodin, I.Didenkulova, E.Pelinovsky),
  • “Numerical study of propagation of ship-induced wave troughs in Venice Lagoon” (K.E.Parnell, T.Soomere, L.Zaggia, A.Rodin),
  • “Comparison of the wave power for the open and sheltered segments of the Baltic Sea coast” (20. O.Kovaleva, T.Soomere, M.Eelsalu),
  • “Determination of closure depths for sheltered areas of the eastern part of the Baltic Sea” (O.Kovaleva, T.Soomere, M.Eelsalu, D.Ryabchuk),
  • “Return periods of extreme water levels along Lithuanian sea coast based on a simple ensemble of projections” (T.Mingėlaitė, M.Eelsalu, K.Pind
    soo, T.Soomere, I.Dailidienė),
  • “Measurement of spontaneous current-induced patch formation processes in the marine surface layer” (A.Giudici).

Two presentations had contributions from the former members of the Wave Engineering Laboratory team prepared during their work or stay in the lab. I.Didenkulova was co-author of the oral presentation “A simple approach to determine the Stokes drift for the entire Baltic Sea” (presented by A.Lehmann; co-author K.Höflich). M.Viška was co-author of the oral presentation “Why is the Baltic Sea special in coastal morphodynamics? – A comparative study” (presented by J.Harff; other co-authors J.Deng, J.Dudzinska-Nowak, A.Groh, B.Hünicke, W.Zhang).

11–14 June 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Soomere presented a welcome address to the opening plenary session (12.06) and the presentation The use of surface currents for the preventive protection of marine environment(13.06) to the conference Science, technology and innovative technologies in the prosperous epoch of the powerful state, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

08 June 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Soomere presented a welcome address and the opening lecture Teadlaste ühine hääl Euroopa tuleviku kujundamisel (The common voice of scientists towards shaping the future of Europa) to the conference Keskkonnaalased teaduse ühiskavandamise algatused – kus me oleme ja kuhu liigume? (Environmentally centered joint programming initiatives: where we are and where we are moving?), Tallinn Estonian Academy of Sciences.

04–05 June 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Soomere presented the plenary lecture Challenges of climatic changes for coastal engineering to the XII Finnish Mechanics Days (Tampere, Finland, 04 June).

02–05 June 2015, CONFERENCE

N.Delpeche-Ellmann participated in the ESA Sentinel-3 For Science Workshop with the poster Examining surface circulation patterns of the Baltic Sea using satellite data, ocean models and in-situ observations (co-authors T.Torsvik and T.Soomere) (Palazzo del Casino in the Lido, Venice, Italy).


May 2015

24 May 2015, DISTINCTION

T.Soomere received the II class Distinguished Service Order from the Estonian Lutherian Church for his activities towards strengthening of intellectual and spiritual values.

21–22 May 2015, CONFERENCE

T.Soomere participated in the meeting of European Academies and their Human Rights Committees (Bern, Switzerland, 21 May 2015) and in the conference “The Human Right to Science”, Bern, Switzerland, 22 May 2015) with an overview of emerging challenges in human rights in Estonia associated with the electronic means of communication between the state and citizens.


T.Soomere participated in the state visit of the President of Estonia T.H.Ilves to Germany. The event included visits to Bayer Pharma, Kiel University and GEOMAR.


T.Soomere presented the lecture Lainete muusika Eesti rannikutel (The music of waves on Estonian coasts) in the framework of The Night of Museums in Jõhvi castle-church.

06 May 2015, LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the lecture Teaduste Akadeemia ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ühised väljakutsed kiiresti muutuvas maailmas (Common challenges for the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Tallinn University of Technology in the rapidly changing world), to the alumni of Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn.


T.Soomere presented the public lecture Eesti rannikud: püsivad või upuvad? (Estonian coasts: stable or decaying?), Pärnu.

04-08 May 2015, CONFERENCE

B. Viikmäe and T. Torsvik attended the 47th Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics. T. Torsvik gave an oral presentation “Analysis of spatial and temporal scales for surface currents in the Gulf of Finland based on surface drifter motion” and also one poster presentation on the same topic. B. Viikmäe gave a poster presentation “The impact of wind on optimising fairways in the Gulf of Finland”.

Artem Rodin defended his PhD thesis Propagation and run-up of nonlinear solitary surface waves in shallow seas and coastal areas in the Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology.


Presentations were given by Prof. Peter A. Davies Internal solitary waves in stratified fluids (School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, UK), Prof. Efim Pelinovsky Analytical theory of long wave breaking in runup stage (Institute of Applied Physics and Department of Applied Mathematics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizny Novgorod, Russia), Dr. Tatiana Talipova Internal solitons and breathers in inhomogeneous ocean (Institute of Applied Physics and Department of Applied Mathematics, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizny Novgorod, Russia) and Prof. Stanisław R. Massel On the surface waves generation due to glacier calving (Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland). The participants were welcomed by T.Soomere, J.Engelbrecht and A.Salupere.


April 2015

28-30 April 2015, SCIENCE POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the ExCom meeting and spring plenary meeting of the European Marine Board, Ghent, Belgium. T.Soomere was re-elected to the position of Vice-Chair of the Board for 2015-2017.

27-28 April 2015, SCIENCE POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the meeting of Environmental Steering Panel of the European Academies Scientific Advisory Council (EASAC), Rome, Italy.


T.Soomere participated in the 16th General Assembly of the (The federation of) All European Academies (ALLEA), Lisbon, Portugal.

20-21 April 2015, WELCOME ADDRESS

T.Soomere presented the welcome address to the 14th Baltic Conference on Intellectual Cooperation (20.04) and was the chairman of the morning session on 21.04, Riga and Jelgava, Latvia.

16 April 2015, OPENING LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the opening lecture Doktoriõppe väljakutsed kiiresti muutuvas maailmas (Challenges for PhD studies in the rapidly changing world) to the national conference on educational sciences, Tallinn University.

07 April 2015, PUBLIC LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the public lecture Teaduse muutuv paradigma (Changing paradigms of science in the changing world) to the Estonian Students Society, Tartu.


March 2015

27 March 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

T.Soomere, Akadeemia uuendab uurija-professori institutsiooni (Academy reshapes the principles of selection of research professors), Õpetajate Leht (Teachers’ Weekly), 511, 27.03.2015, 9 (in Estonian).

26 March 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Dalia Bikauskaitė, Laivų bangos ardo krantus, žudo žmones (based on an interview with T.Soomere and L.Kelpšaite), Vakaru Ekspresas 2015-03-26, 12:01 (in Lithuanian).

26 March 2015, LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the lecture Mere ja ranniku mudelite ning andmestike võimalusi ja kitsaskohti (On the possibilities and shortages of data sets and models of the sea and the coast) to the seminar of the project „Mudelite süsteemi ja töövahendi loomine mere ja maismaa pinnavete integreeritud haldamiseks“, Tallinn, Meriton Grand Conference & Spa Hotel.


T.Soomere welcomed partici
pants of the seminar on science funding and tenure track system organised jointly by the Division of Informatics and Engineering of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Tallinn University of Technology.

18 March 2015, OPENING LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the opening lecture Connecting the teaching practice of coastal engineering with challenges of the rapidly changing environment to the IEEE EDUCON Global Engineering Education Conference „Engineering Education towards Excellence and Innovation“, Tallinn 17–20 March 2015.


A.Giudici, M.Eelsalu and K.Pindsoo participated in the international seminar Climate modelling and impacts: From the Global to the Regional to the Urban scale (HafenCity Universität (HCU), Hamburg, 10 March 2015) with three poster presentations: Quantification of changes in the beach volume by applying an inverse Bruun’s Rule and laser scanning technology in Pirita Beach, Tallinn Bay (M.Eelsalu, T.Soomere, K.Julge), Contribution of wave induced set-up into total water level in the urban area of Tallinn (K.Pindsoo, T.Soomere) and Identification of areas of spontaneous current-induced surface patch formation in the Gulf of Finland (A.Giudici, T.Soomere).

09 March 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A comment by T.Soomere about exhibition Ujub või upub (Applied hydrodynamics) in Estonian Maritime Museum, to the broadcast Osoon of the national TV channel (in Estonian).

04 March 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Vilma Rauniste, Mereteadlase Tarmo Soomere kõrge lainelend (Riding high waves: marine scientist Tarmo Soomere), Meie Maa (newspaper of Saaremaa County), 50(5563), 4.03.2015, 5 (in Estonian).

04 March 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

T.Soomere, Rannad kujunevad ümber nädalate või isegi päevadega (Shores react within days or weeks to changing wave conditions), Meie Maa (newspaper of Saaremaa County), 50(5563), 4.03.2015, 5 (in Estonian).

03 March 2015, PUBLIC LECTURE

T.Soomere presented an introductory lecture to the documentary Ocean’s Fury demonstrated at the Marine Forum, Estonian Maritime Museum (in Estonian).


February 2015

27 February 2015, DISCUSSION

T.Soomere presented a short opinion on the presentation and discussion of the OECD Public Governance Review Fostering Strategic Capacity across Governments and Digital Services across Borders (Finland and Estonia), Tallinn, Estonian Academy of Sciences.

19 February 2015, PUBLIC LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the public lecture The dialogue of Estonian coasts and waves of the Baltic Sea, Kuressaare, Adults Gymnasium (in Estonian).

19 February 2015, PUBLIC ROUND-TABLE

T.Soomere was the main speaker of the public round-table focusing on the possibilities of the outcome of science for the economy of Saaremaa County, Kuressaare, Shipping Competence Centre.

19 February 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A short interview with T.Soomere on the occasion of publication of the collection of popular science Lehed ja Tähed 7, Kuku Raadio, broadcast series Loodusajakiri.

14 February 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Arko Olesk, Teaduspreemiad otsivad sähvatusi (Science prizes go to sparkling results), interview with T.Soomere on the occasion of 25th nomination of national science prizes, Postimees – Arvamus. Kultuur, 37(7331), 14.02.2015, 6-7 (in Estonian).

12 February 2015, POPULAR SCIENCE

T.Soomere presented short address Popularisation of science at the presentation of the collection of popular science Lehed ja Tähed 7 (Tallinn, Estonian Academy of Sciences, in Estonian).

11 February 2015, LECTURE

T.Soomere presented the lecture Estonian coasts under pressure to the Tallinn Club of Directors (in Estonian).

10 February 2015, SCIENCE AND POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the lunch-meeting of opinion leaders of Estonian society organised by the daily newspaper Postimees.

01 February 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A longer interview with T.Soomere to the broadcast Labor of the national radio channel Vikerraadio about future plans of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and about perspectives of reshaping the landscape of science in Estonia (in Estonian).


January 2015

27 January 2015, PROMOTION

Andrea Giudici defended his PhD thesis Quantification of spontaneous current-induced patch formation in the marine surface layer in the Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology.


Presentations were given by Prof. Steven R. Bishop Concepts, data and models for complex systems (University College London, UK), Prof. Inga Dailidienė Effect of climate change on ice regime of lagoons of the southern and eastern Baltic Sea (Klaipėda University, Lithuania), Dr. Loreta Kelpšaitė Multi-criteria evaluation approach for coastal zone management (Klaipėda University, Lithuania) and Prof. Kristofer Döös Evaluation and improvements of the TRACMASS time-analytical trajectory scheme for oceanic and atmospheric general circulation models(Stockholm University, Sweden). The participants were welcomed by T.Soomere, J.Engelbrecht and A.Salupere.

22 January 2015, PLANNING MEETING

T.Soomere participated in the planning meeting of the new object of Estonian national science infrastucture “Infotechnological mobility observatory” with a short presentation about the Wave Engineering Laboratory (Tartu).

20 January 2015, SCIENCE POLICY

T.Soomere participated in the ExCom meeting of the European Marine Board (Brussels, Belgium).

10 January 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A longer interview with T.Soomere to the broadcast Meretund (Marine Hour) of the radio channel Kuku Raadio about lessons from the exceptional storm and flooding in January 2005 (in Estonian).

10 January 2014, MEDIA OUTREACH

Hendrik Kuusk, Loodus ise hakkas Läänemerd päästma: lisandus poolsajandi suurim hapnikusüst (The Nature is saving the Baltic Sea: the largest oxygen-rich salty water inflow over last half century), largely based on comments of T.Soomere, LP/Eesti Päevaleht 2(117), p. 7 (in Estonian).

03 January 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A comment of T.Soomere to the major news program Aktuaalne Kaamera of the national TV channel about properties of the storm that occurred on the weekend (in Estonian and in Russian).

03 January 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

A comment by phone live on air of T.Soomere to the national radio channel Vikerraadio about changes in properties of the storm that occurred on the weekend compared to the earlier forecasts (in Estonian).

02 January 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Epp-Mare Kukemelk, Mereteadlane: torm tuleb tugev – inimesed jäävad vooluta, puud murduvad, katused lendavad (Marine scientist: the storm will be strong – problems with power supply expected, large trees may broke and roofs may be damaged), based on comments of T.Soomere, Delfi (online), 02.01.2015, 15:22 (in Estonian).

02 January 2015, MEDIA OUTREACH

Marian Männi, Laineekspert Soomere: tormid muutuvad aina sagedasemaks (Wave expert Soomere: storms are becoming more frequent), Postimees Online, 02.01.2015, 13:24 (in Estonian).