BONUS+ BalticWay Annual Meeting
Frederick University, Nicosia
Atlantica Miramare Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
March 18–20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17
19:30 Meeting with senior scientists of the GSD (Global Systems Dynamics and Policies) network (by invitations only)
Thursday, March 18
All participants of the BONUS BalticWay Annual Meeting are invited to participate in the workshop Water Day organized by the FP7 Future and Emerging Technologies network GSD – Global Systems Dynamics and Policies, Seminar Room 3, Frederick University, Nicosia 10:10-18:40.
A shuttle service departs 08:45 from the Atlantica Miramare Hotel.
19:30 Joint dinner with the participants of the Water Day, Pyxida Restaurant, Nicosia.
Friday, March 19
A shuttle service departs 08:15 from the Atlantica Miramare Hotel.
09:30–16:00 Workshop Towards the smart use of marine currents for environmental management, Frederick University, Nicosia, March 19, 2010
The workshop is organised in the framework of the BONUS+ activities funded jointly by ten agencies responsible for marine research in the Baltic Sea countries together with the European Union. The key speakers come from the project “BalticWay: The potential of currents for environmental management of the Baltic Sea maritime industry,” driven by a consortium of 8 research groups from 5 Baltic Sea countries. The project aims at a substantial decrease of marine-industry-induced environmental risks and impacts. The core objective is to develop a scientific platform for an innovative low-cost technology of environmental management of shipping, offshore, and coastal engineering activities. The approach makes use of the existence of semi-persistent current patterns that considerably affect the probability of pollution propagation from different open sea areas to the vulnerable areas. For certain regions (areas of reduced risk) this probability is relatively small. A combination of the classical risk analysis with novel mathematical methods is applied to identify the persistence, properties, and potential effect of such areas, and to establish generic criteria for their existence |
09:30 Opening of the workshop
09:40 Tarmo Soomere (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia): The potential of the use of marine currents for environmental management
10:20 Oleg Andrejev, Alexander Sokolov, Kai Myrberg (Finnish Environmental Institute, Helsinki): Using Gulf of Finland circulation simulation to identify areas of reduced risk for marine transport: a modification of the Soomere-Quak method
11:00–11:20 Coffee break
11:20 Kristofer Döös (Department of Meteorology, University of Stockholm, Sweden): Tracing the ocean and atmospheric circulation and its substances with TRACMASS trajectories
12:00 Nicole Delpeche (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia): Spatial patterns of transport by surface currents in the Gulf of Finland
12:35–13:15 Lunch
13:15 Jens Murawsky (Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen): Introduction into DMI’s operational oil spill model
13:45 Andreas Lehmann (Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel, Germany): Identifying high risk areas of pollution in the western Baltic Sea
14:25–14:45 Coffee break
14:45 Emil Stanev (Institute for Coastal Research, GKSS Geesthacht, Germany): Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas (COSYNA): a contribution to improving coastal ocean predictions
15:15 Bert Viikmäe (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia): Spatial distributions of probabilities of coastal hit in the Gulf of Finland
15:45 Open discussion (Moderator Ewald Quak)
16:00 Closing
16:05–17:20 Technical meeting, Part 1, Frederick University, Nicosia
17:30 Shuttle bus from Nicosia to Limassol
20:00 Network dinner (place to be specified)
Saturday, March 20
09:00–12:00 Technical meeting, Part 2, Atlantica Miramare Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus
- The BalticWay team near Aphrodite’s birthplace