NordPlus Neighbour Nordic-Baltic-Russian network cooperation within education and research (2005-2008) “Boundary Layer Phenomena over Partially Ice Covered Arctic Seas: Impact on Weather, Climate, Ecology and Sustainable Economy” Participants: Marie Curie Chair of Boundary-layer Physics, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Dept. of Physical Sciences, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland (Prof. Sergej S. Zilitinkevich), Nansen Environ. Remote Sensing Centre, Bergen, Norway (Igor Ezau), Søren E. Larsen, Wind Energy Dept., Risø National Laboratory, Denmark (Prof. Søren E. Larsen), Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark (Dr. Alexander Baklanov), Nils Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Dr. Peter D. Ditlevsen), Dept. of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden (Prof. Michael Tjernström), Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Peterburg, Russia (Dr. Alexander Korablev), Russian Hydrometeorological State University, St. Peterburg, Russia (Dr. Svyatoslav Tyuryakov), Nansen Internat. Environ. Remote Sensing Centre, St.Petersburg, Russia (Dr. Svetlana Kuzmina), Laboratory of Mathematical Modelling, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia (Dr. Janis Rimshans) .
Head: prof. Tarmo Soomere
Wave Engineering Laboratory
Department of Cybernetics, School of Science
Tallinn University of Technology
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn
Fax: +372 620 4151