Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science

  1. Bagdanavičiūtė I., Kelpšaitė L., Soomere T. 2015. Multi-criteria evaluation approach to coastal vulnerability index development in micro-tidal low-lying areas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 104, 124–135, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.12.011
  2. Parnell K.E., Soomere T., Zaggia L., Rodin A., Lorenzetti G., Rapaglia J., Scarpa G.M. 2015. Ship-induced solitary Riemann waves of depression in Venice Lagoon. Physics Letters A, 397, 6, 555–559, doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2014.12.004
  3. Torsvik T., Soomere T., Didenkulova I., Sheremet A. 2015. Identification of ship wake structures by a time-frequency method. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 765, 229–251, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.734
  4. Soomere T., Bishop S.R., Viška M., Räämet A. 2015. An abrupt change in winds that may radically affect the coasts and deep sections of the Baltic Sea. Climate Research, 62, 163–171, doi: 10.3354/cr01269
  5. Rodin A., Soomere T., Parnell K.E., Zaggia L. 2015. Numerical simulation of the propagation of ship-induced Riemann waves of depression into the Venice Lagoon. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64, 1, 22–35, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.1.04
  6. Kurkina O.E., Kurkin A.A., Rouvinskaya E.A., Soomere T. 2015. Propagation regimes of interfacial solitary waves in a three-layer fluid. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 22, 2, 117–132, doi: 10.5194/npg-22-117-2015
  7. Soomere T., Eelsalu M., Kurkin A., Rybin A. 2015. Separation of the Baltic Sea water level into daily and multi-weekly components. Continental Shelf Research, 103, 23–32, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2015.04.018
  8. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Torsvik T., Soomere T. 2015. Tracks of surface drifters from a major fairway to marine protected areas in the Gulf of Finland. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3), 226–233, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3.04
  9. Didenkulov O., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2015. Parameterization of run-up characteristics for long bell-shaped solitary waves propagating in a bay of parabolic cross-section.Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3), 234–239, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3.05
  10. Eelsalu M., Soomere T., Julge K. 2015. Quantification of changes in the beach volume by the application of an inverse of the Bruun Rule and laser scanning technology.Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3), 240–248, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3.06
  11. Pindsoo K., Soomere T. 2015. Contribution of wave set-up into the total water level in the Tallinn area. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3S), 338–348, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3S.03
  12. Torsvik T., Herrmann H., Didenkulova I., Rodin A. 2015. Analysis of ship wake transformation in the coastal zone using time–frequency methods. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3S), 379–388, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3S.08
  13. Viikmäe B., Torsvik T., Soomere T. 2015. Verification of modelled locations of coastal areas exposed to current-driven pollution in the Gulf of Finland by using surface drifters.Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 64(3S), 405–416, doi: 10.3176/proc.2015.3S.011
  14. Pelinovsky E.N., Shurgalina E.G., Rodin A.A. 2015. Criteria for the transition from a breaking bore to an undular bore. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 51(5), 598–601, doi: 10.1134/S0001433815050096
  15. Rouvinskaya E., Talipova, T., Kurkina, O., Soomere, T., Tyugin, D. 2015. Transformation of internal breathers in the idealised shelf sea conditions. Continental Shelf Research, 110, 60–71, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2015.09.017


Theses and monographs based on theses

  1. Giudici A. 2015. Quantification of Spontaneous Current-Induced Patch Formation in the Marine Surface Layer. PhD thesis. Tallinn University of Technology, 141 pp.
  2. Rodin A. 2015. Propagation and Run-up of Nonlinear Solitary Surface Waves in Shallow Seas and Coastal Areas. PhD thesis. Tallinn University of Technology, 161 pp.


Papers in international peer-reviewed journals and collections

  1. Soomere T., Delpeche-Ellmann N., Torsvik T., Viikmäe B. 2015. Towards a new generation of techniques for the environmental management of maritime activities. In: Culshaw M.G. et al. (eds.), Environmental security of the European cross-border energy supply infrastructure, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer, 103–132, doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9538-8_8
  2. Hünicke B., Zorita E., Soomere T., Madsen K.S., Johansson M., Suursaar Ü. 2015. Recent Change – Sea Level and Wind Waves. In: The BACC II Author Team. Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, Regional Climate Studies, Springer, 155–185, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16006-1_9
  3. Didenkulova I., Didenkulov O., Pelinovsky E. 2015. A note on the uncertainty in tsunami shape for estimation of its run-up heights. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 1(2), 199–205, doi: 10.1007/s40722-015-0017-3
  4. Torsvik T., Didenkulova I. 2015. Ship wake deformation in the surf zone analyzed by use of a time-frequency method. Proceedings of the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, (Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, USA, June 21-26, 2015), 394-399.
  5. Käärd A., Valdmann A., Soomere T. 2015. Sediment pool of the Mustjõe stream, Tallinn, Estonia. E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress, 28 June-03 July, The Hague, the Netherlands, 4 pp.
  6. Soomere T. 2015. Approximate numerical solutions ot inverse problems for preventive protection of marine environment. 28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM-28, 22-23 October, Tallinn, Estonia, 2015. Proceedings of the NSCM28, Berezovski A., Tamm K., Peets T. (eds.), Tallinn University of Technology, 25-28.
  7. Giudici A., Soomere T. 2015. Finnish Meteorological Institute’s open data mining tool. 28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM-28, 22-23 October, Tallinn, Estonia, 2015. Proceedings of the NSCM28, Berezovski A., Tamm K., Peets T. (eds.), Tallinn University of Technology, 59-62.
  8. Viikmäe B. 2015. Temporal scales for nearshore hits of current-driven pollution in the Gulf of Finland. 28th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM-28, 22-23 October, Tallinn, Estonia, 2015. Proceedings of the NSCM28, Berezovski A., Tamm K., Peets T. (eds.), Tallinn University of Technology, 187-190.
  9. Soomere T. 2016. Extremes and decadal variations in the Baltic Sea wave conditions. In: Extreme Ocean Waves, Pelinovsky E., Kharif C. (eds.), Springer, 107–140, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21575-4_7
  10. Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Sergeeva A. 2016. Runup of long irregular waves on plane beach. In: Extreme Ocean Waves, Pelinovsky E., Kharif C. (eds.), Springer, 141–153, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21575-4_8
  11. Rodin A., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2016. Numerical study for run-up of breaking waves of different polarities on a sloping beach. In: Extreme Ocean Waves, Pelinovsky E., Kharif C. (eds.), Springer, 155–172, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21575-4_9


Translations of papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science

  1. Soomere T., Eelsalu M. 2015. Par viļņu enerģijas potenciālu Baltijas jūras austrumu piekrastē. Enerģija un Pasaule, 5(94), 66–70; 6(95), 50–53 [Translation into Latvian of the research paper: Soomere T., Eelsalu M. 2014. On the wave energy potential along the eastern Baltic Sea Coast, Renewable Energy, 2014, 71, 221–233].


Papers in popular science books, journals and newspapers

  1. Soomere T. 2015. Rannad kujunevad ümber nädalate või isegi päevadega (Shores react within days or weeks to changing wave conditions). Meie Maa (newspaper of Saaremaa County), 50(5563), 4.03.2015, 5 (in Estonian).
  2. Soomere T. 2015. Akadeemia uuendab uurija-professori institutsiooni (Academy reshapes the principles of selection of research professors). Õpetajate Leht (Teachers’ Weekly), 11, 27.03.2015, 9 (in Estonian).
  3. Soomere T. 2015. Lähituleviku Eesti nägu: doktoriõppe väljakutsed kiiresti muutuvas maailmas (The face of future Estonia: challenges of PhD studies in the rapidly changing world). Õpetajate Leht (Teachers’ Weekly), 15, 24.04.2015, 8 (in Estonian).
  4. Torsvik T. 2015. Identifying surface current patterns. In: Mobilitas COMPASS grantees. Estonian Research Council, Tallinn, 13.
  5. Nikolkina I. 2015. Revealing hidden dangers in shallow waters. In: Mobilitas COMPASS grantees. Estonian Research Council, Tallinn, 28.
  6. Soomere T. 2015. Kas Eesti polegi teaduspõhine? (Is Estonia a science-based country?). Postimees (The Postman), 230(7524), 05.10.2015, 13 (in Estonian).
  7. Soomere T. 2015. Kõrghariduse imperatiiv: majanduse teenrist ühiskonna ja kultuuri veduriks (The imperative of higher education: from providing services to the economy towards driving society and culture). Sirp, 41(3561), 16.10.2015, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  8. Soomere T. 2015. Pimedus horisondil (Darkness on the horizon). KesKus, October 2015, 6–7 (in Estonian).
  9. Soomere T. 2015. 50 aastat hoiatusi, veel üks kliimakonverents (Fifty years of warnings and another climate conference). Postimees Online, 11.12.2015, 09:55,
  10. Soomere T. 2015. Mida võib valitsuse haridus- ja teaduspoliitikas 2015. aastal olulisena välja tuua? (The most important aspects of the national policy on education and science in 2015). Sirp, 50(3570), 26 (in Estonian).
  11. Soomere T. 2015. Mitte katastroofi- või õhinapõhine, vaid teadus- ja teadmistepõhine lähenemine aitab (Science and knowledge-based approach is much better than disaster warnings). Õhtuleht, 19.12.2015, 13 (in Estonian).



  1. Didenkulov O., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2015. A note on the uncertainty in tsunami shape for estimation of its run-up heights. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-1240.
  2. Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. Didenkulov O., Rodin A. 2015. Run-up of long solitary waves of different polarities on a plane beach. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-1241.
  3. Didenkulov O., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2015. Transformation and run-up of single and periodic waves in the bay of parabolic cross-section. Geophysical Research Abstracts,17, EGU2015-1384.
  4. Muñoz J.M., Arias A.O. (1), Winter C., Didenkulova I., Otero L. 2015. Analysis of infragravity waves using Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEEMD) on microtidal and macrotidal beaches. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-3997.
  5. Soomere T. 2015. Challenges of climatic changes for coastal engineering. Proceedings of the XII Finnish Mechanics Days. Kouhia R., Mäkinen J., Pajunen S., Saksala T., eds. Finnish Association for Structural Mechanics, Helsinki, 17.
  6. Soomere T. 2015. Societal challenges in marine science. In: 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress „Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas“ 15–19 June 2015, Riga, Latvia. Abstract book, 15.
  7. Delpeche-Ellmann N., Torsvik T. 2015. Examination of the effects of wind induced forcings on surface drifters circulation patterns in the Gulf of Finland. Ibid., 48.
  8. Torsvik T., Didenkulova I., Hemanth V.V.S.S.R. 2015. Measurements of wave transformation in the coastal zone. Ibid., 53.
  9. Lehmann A., Didenkulova I., Höflich K. 2015. A simple approach to determine the Stokes drift for the entire Baltic Sea. Ibid., 57.
  10. Pindsoo K., Soomere T. 2015. Trends in extreme water levels of the eastern Baltic Sea. Ibid., 76.
  11. Soomere T., Eelsalu M. 2015. Separation of the Baltic Sea water level into short-term and multi-weekly components. Ibid., 84.
  12. Eelsalu M., Soomere T., Pindsoo K., Lagemaa P. 2015. Ensemble approach for the projections of extreme water levels reveals bias in water level observations. Ibid., 85.
  13. Pindsoo K., Soomere T. 2015. Contribution of wave set-up into the total water level in the Tallinn area. Ibid., 87.
  14. Kovaleva O., Chubarenko B., Ryabchuk D. 2015. Analysis of sediment transport pattern along the coastal line of the Russian part of the Curonian Spit. Ibid., 92.
  15. Harff J., Deng J., Dudzinska-Nowak J., Groh A., Hünicke B., Viška M., Zhang W. 2015. Why is the Baltic Sea special in coastal morphodynamics? – A comparative study. Ibid., 107.
  16. Viikmäe B., Soomere T., Torsvik T. 2015. Quantification of the impact of wind for optimising fairways in the G
    ulf of Finland. Ibid., 151.
  17. Torsvik T., Viikmäe B. 2015. Investigation of surface currents near Cape Kolka in the Gulf of Riga by use of surface drifters. Ibid., 153.
  18. Pupienis D., Buynevich I., Jarmalavicius D., Žilinskas G., Fedorovic J., Ryabchuk D., Kovaleva O., Sergeev A. 2015. Spatial pattern in heavy-mineral concentrations on the Curonian Spit sea coast as indicator of human activities and natural processes. Ibid., 159.
  19. Davuliene L., Kelpšaitė L., Torsvik T., Dailidienė I. 2015. A study of the sea surface boundary layer dynamics. Ibid., 165.
  20. Eelsalu M., Soomere T., Julge K., Grünthal E. 2015. Quantification of the changes in sediment volume in a small beach applying laser scanning technology. Ibid., 197.
  21. Pindsoo K., Soomere T., Eelsalu M., Tõnisson H. 2015. Quantification of the impact of vessel wakes on a shingle-gravel beach. Ibid., 201.
  22. Rodin A., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. The transformation and run-up of long breaking solitary waves of various polarities on a sloping beach. Ibid., 204.
  23. Parnell K.E., Soomere T., Zaggia L., Rodin A. 2015. Numerical study of propagation of ship-induced wave troughs in Venice Lagoon. Ibid., 207.
  24. Kovaleva O., Soomere T., Eelsalu M. 2015. Comparison of the wave power for the open and sheltered segments of the Baltic Sea coast. Ibid.,, 210.
  25. Kovaleva O., Soomere T., Eelsalu M., Ryabchuk D. 2015. Determination of closure depths for sheltered areas of the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. Ibid., 233.
  26. Mingėlaitė T., Eelsalu M., Pindsoo K., Soomere T., Dailidienė I. 2015. Return periods of extreme water levels along Lithuanian sea coast based on a simple ensemble of projections.Ibid., 238.
  27. Giudici A. 2015. Measurement of spontaneous current-induced patch formation processes in the marine surface layer. Ibid., 246.