Monographs and collections
- Soomere T., Quak E., (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection: Towards the use of ocean dynamics for pollution control. Springer, 442 p.
- Didenkulova I. 2013. Long wave dynamics in the coastal zone with application to marine induced hazards. Thesis for Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics degree. Nizhny Novgorod, 309 p. [Диденкулова И.И. 2013. Динамика длинных волн в прибрежной зоне моря с приложением к морским катастрофам. Диссертация на соискание степени доктора физико-математических наук. Нижний Новгород, 309 с.]
- Didenkulova I. 2013. Long wave dynamics in the coastal zone with application to marine induced hazards. Autoreferat of the thesis for Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics degree. Nizhny Novgorod, 40 p. [Диденкулова И.И. 2013. Динамика длинных волн в прибрежной зоне моря с приложением к морским катастрофам. Автореферат диссертации на соискание степени доктора физико-математических наук. Нижний Новгород, 40 с.]. [download]
- Rodin A. 2013. Influence of wave breaking effects on long wave transformation and runup on a beach. Thesis for Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics degree. Nizhny Novgorod, 121 p. [Родин А.А. 2013. Влияние эффектов обрушения на трансформацию и накат длинных волн на берег. Диссертация на соискание степени кандидата физико-математических наук. Нижний Новгород, 121 с.].
- Rodin A. 2013. Influence of wave breaking effects on long wave transformation and runup on a beach. Autoreferat of the thesis for Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics degree. Nizhny Novgorod, 22 p. [Родин А.А. 2013. Влияние эффектов обрушения на трансформацию и накат длинных волн на берег. Автореферат диссертации на соискание степени кандидата физико-математических наук. Нижний Новгород, 22 с.]. [download]
- Zaitseva-Pärnaste I. 2013. Wave climate and its decadal changes in the Baltic Sea derived from visual observations. PhD thesis. Tallinn University of Technology, 173 pp.
Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science
- Didenkulova I. 2013. Tsunami runup in narrow bays: the case of Samoa 2009 tsunami. Natural Hazards, 65 (3), 1629–1636.
- Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Rogue waves in the basin of intermediate depth and the possibility of their formation due to the modulational instability. JETP Letters, 97 (4), 194-198 (Original publication in Russian:Письма в ЖЭТФ, 97 (4), 221-225).
- Delpeche-Ellmann N.C, Soomere T. 2013. Investigating the Marine Protected Areas most at risk of current-driven pollution in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea, using a Lagrangian transport model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 67, (1-2), 121–129, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.11.025
- Didenkulova I., Rodin A. 2013. A typical wave wake from high-speed vessels: its group structure and run-up. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 20, 179–188.
- Delpeche-Ellmann N.C., Soomere T. 2013. Using Lagrangian models to assist in maritime management of coastal and marine protected areas. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 36–41.
- Denissenko P., Didenkulova I., Rodin A., Listak M., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Experimental statistics of long wave runup on a plane beach. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 195-200.
- Didenkulova I., Denissenko P., Rodin A., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Effect of asymmetry of incident wave on the maximum runup height. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 65, 207–212.
- Didenkulova I., Sheremet A., Torsvik T., Soomere T. 2013. Characteristic properties of different vessel wake signals. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 213–218.
- Giudici A., Soomere T. 2013. Identification of areas of frequent patch formation from velocity fields. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 231–236.
- Kim D.C., Kim K.O., Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I., Choi B.H. 2013. Three-dimensional tsunami runup simulation for the port of Koborinai on the Sanriku coast of Japan. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 266–271.
- Soomere T. 2013. Extending the observed Baltic Sea wave climate back to the 1940s. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 65, 1969–1974.
- Nikolkina I., Soomere T., Didenkulova I. 2013. Wave climate in Lake Peipsi. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 65, 2035–2040.
- Viikmäe B., Torsvik T. 2013. Quantification and characterization of mesoscale eddies with different automatic identification algorithms Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65, 2077–2082.
- Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I., Mendez F., Rybski D., Tinti S. 2013. Preface “Sea Hazards.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13, 1063–1067.
- Zaitseva-Pärnaste I., Soomere T. 2013. Interannual variations of ice cover and wave energy flux in the north-eastern Baltic Sea. Annals of Glaciology, 54, 62, 175–182, doi: 10.3189/2013AoG62A228
- Viikmäe B., Torsvik T., Soomere T. 2013. Impact of horizontal eddy-diffusivity on Lagrangian statistics for coastal pollution from a major marine fairway. Ocean Dynamics, 63, 5, 589-597, doi: 10.1007/s10236-013-0615-3
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Transformation of an irregular wave field along a quartic bottom profile. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 62 (3), 155-160.
- Pelinovsky E.N., Rodin A. 2013. Nonlinear effects at the initial stage of tsunami-wave development. Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 49 (5), 548-553 (Original Russian version: Пелиновский Е. Н., Родин А. А. 2013. Нелинейные эффекты начальной стадии волн цунами. Известия РАН. Физика атмосферы и океана 49 (5), 595-600.)
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Analytical solutions for tsunami waves generated by submarine landslides in narrow bays and channels Pure and Applied Geophysics 170 (9-10), 1661-1671.
- Soomere T., Pindsoo K., Bishop S.R., Käärd A., Valdmann A. 2013. Mapping wave set-up near a complex geometric urban coa
stline. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13 (11), 3049-3061, doi: 10.5194/nhess-13-3049-2013 - Viška M., Soomere T. 2013. Simulated and observed reversals of wave-driven alongshore sediment transport at the eastern Baltic Sea coast. Baltica, 26 (2), 145–156, doi: 10.5200/baltica.2013.26.15
Papers in international peer-reviewed journals and collections
- Nikolkina I., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Shurgalina E., Naumov A., Pankratov A., Rouvinskaya E. 2013. Hazardous landslides along water basins of Nizhny Novgorod region. T. Nizhny Novgorod State Techn. U. Alekseev, 4(101), 157-166.
- Soomere T., Pindsoo K., Bishop S.R., Käärd A., Valdmann A. 2013. Mapping wave set-up near a complex geometric urban coastline. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussion, 1, 1651–1688.
- Soomere T., Eelsalu M., Pindsoo K., Zujev M. 2013. Lessons from the almost seven decades of visual wave observations from the eastern Baltic Sea coast, in: 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, 10–14 June 2013, Borgholm, Island of Öland, Sweden, Conference Proceedings, Marcus Reckermann and Silke Köppen, eds., International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 53, 91–92.
- Viška M., Soomere T. 2013. Long-term variations of simulated sediment transport along the eastern Baltic Sea coast as a possible indicator of climate change, in: 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, 10–14 June 2013, Borgholm, Island of Öland, Sweden, Conference Proceedings, Marcus Reckermann and Silke Köppen, eds., International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 53, 99–100.
- Soomere T. 2013. BalticWay: Towards the use of ocean dynamics for pollution control, in: 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, 10–14 June 2013, Borgholm, Island of Öland, Sweden, Conference Proceedings, Marcus Reckermann and Silke Köppen, eds., International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 53, 180–181.
- Soomere T., Viška M., Eelsalu M. 2013. Spatial variations of wave loads and closure depth along the eastern Baltic Sea coast. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 19 (2), 93–109, doi 10.3176/eng.2013.2.01.
- Didenkulova I., Soomere T., Pindsoo K., Suuroja S. 2013. On the occurrence of non-reflecting cross-shore profiles along Estonian coasts of the Baltic Sea. Estonian Journal of Engineering, strong>19 (2), 110–123, doi 10.3176/eng.2013.2.02
- Averbukh E., Dussouillez P., Kharif C, Khvostova O., Kurkin A, Rochette P., Soomere T. 2013. Exposure of a coastal city to a landslide tsunami: a case study of Cassis, France. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 19 (2), 124–142, doi 10.3176/eng.2013.2.03
- Soomere T. 2013. Towards mitigation of environmental risks. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 1–27.
- Torsvik T. 2013. Introduction to computational fluid dynamics and ocean modelling. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 65–100.
- Myrberg K., Soomere T. 2013. The Gulf of Finland, its hydrography and circulation dynamics. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 181–222.
- Kjellsson J., Döös K., Soomere T. 2013. Evaluation and tuning of model trajectories and spreading rates in the Baltic Sea using surface drifter observations. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 251–281.
- Soomere T. 2013. Statistics of Lagrangian transport reveals hidden features of velocity fields. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 283–318.
- Soomere T. 2013. Applications of the inverse problem of pollution propagation. In: Soomere T., Quak E. (eds.) 2013. Preventive methods for coastal protection. Springer, 319–366.
- Soomere T. 2013. Using wave and current dynamics to find solutions to the challenges of environmental change. In: V International conference „Frontiers of Nonlinear Physics” FNP2013, Nizhny Novgorod–Yelabuga, Russia, July 28–August 2, 2013. Proceedings. Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 172–173.
Papers in popular science books, journals and newspapers
- Soomere T. 2013. Teadustõbistest (Diagnosis: a scientist), Sirp, 05.04.2013, 24–25 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2012. Teaduspreemia tehnikateaduste alal uurimuste tsükli „Merelt lähtuvate ohtude kvantifitseerimine ja minimeerimine Läänemere ranniku kontekstis” eest (National science prize in engineering: Quantification and mitigation of marine coastal hazards in the context of the eastern Baltic Sea), in: Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemiad 2013 (Estonian National Science Prize 2013. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn 2013, 64–115 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2013. Keskkonnahoidliku merekasutuse matemaatika (Mathematics of environmentally safe use of the sea). Horisont 4/2013, 59–60 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2013. Eesti on võrdlemisi immuunne (Climate warming affects Estonia only a little; comment on the paper by Peter Singer Dethroning King Coal), Eesti Päevaleht No 153 (8.08.2013), 11 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2013. Teaduse ja raha muutuvad suhted (Changing interrelations of science and its funding). In: Teadusmõte Eestis (VIII). Teaduskultuur (Scientific thought in Estonia (VIII). Scientific culture. J. Engelbrecht, H.-L. Help, S. Jakobson, G. Varlamova (eds.), Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 25–37 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2013. Mismoodi on su vaimu seis? (a shorter comment to the question “What’s the status of your spirit?” asked by the Editor in the last issue of the year 2013), Sirp 28(3470), 20.12.2013, 3 (in Estonian).
Research reports
- Soomere, T., Pindsoo, K., Eelsalu, M. 2013. Kopli lahe suudmes esinevate kõrgete veetasemete tõenäosuse ja korduvuse hinnang (Estimates of probability and return periods of high water levels at the entrance to Kopli Bay (Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea)). Käsikirjaline aruanne (Research report). Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Küberneetika Instituut, Detsember 2013,
30 pp. (in Estonian).
Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I. 2013. Rogue waves in the sea, in: Proceedings of the 33rd EARSeL Symposium, June 3–6, 2013, Matera, Italy, 66.
Delpeche-Ellmann N., Soomere T. 2013. Using Lagrangian Models to Assist in Maritime Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 65.
Denissenko P., Didenkulova I., Listak M., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Experimental measurements of statistics of long wave runup on a plane beach, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 368.
Didenkulova I., Denissenko P., Listak M., Rodin A., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Effects of wave asymmetry on its runup on a beach, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 370.
Didenkulova I., Sheremet A. 2013. Characteristic properties of different vessel-wake signals, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 67.
Giudici A., Soomere T. 2013. Identification of coastal areas of frequent patch formation from velocity fields, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 105.
Kim D.C., Kim K.O., Pelinovsky E.P., Didenkulova I., Chatraee S., Choi B.H. 2013. Tsunami-dimensional tsunami runup simulation at the Koborinai port, Sanriku coast, Japan, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 132.
Nikolkina I., Didenkulova I. 2013. Wave climate in Peipsi Lake, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 483.
Soomere T. 2013. Extending the observed Baltic Sea wave climate back to the 1940s, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 538.
Viikmäe B., Torsvik T., Soomere T. 2013. In search for hidden transport patterns governing the coastal pollution, in: Proceedings of the International Coastal Symposium, April 8–12, 2013, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 280.
Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Discussion on possibility of rogue wave formation in a basin of intermediate depth due to the modulational instability. Proceedings of Joint Assembly IAHS IAPSO IASPEI (Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-26 July 2013).
Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Observations of rogue waves in a basin of intermediate depth and discussion on a possibility of their formation due to the modulational instability. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-1761.
Nikolkina I., Soomere T., Didenkulova I. 2013. Wave characteristics in Lake Peipsi. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2012-3626.
- Nikolkina I., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Landslides along the rivers of Nizhny Novgorod region. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2012-3630.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Rybkin A. 2013. Generalization of the Carrier-Greenspan approach for nonlinear wave runup in bays of arbitrary cross-section. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-275.
- Didenkulova I., Sheremet A., Torsvik T., Soomere, T. 2013. Identification of characteristic properties in different vessel wake signals. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-276.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Irregular wave transformation along a quartic bottom profile. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-1765.
- Didenkulova I., Denissenko P., Rodin A., Pelinovsky E. 2013. Statistics of long wave runup on a plane beach, based on the data from the Large Wave Flume (GWK), Hannover, Germany. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-3641.
- Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky D., Tyugin D., Giniyatullin A. 2013. Travelling long waves in water channels of specific configurations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-1763.
- Talipova T., Pelinovsky E., Kurkina O., Didenkulova I. 2013. Solitary interface wave propagation in two-layer flow of slowly varied bottom. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-1787.
- Didenkulova I., Zaitsev A., Pelinovsky E., Ranguelov B. 2013. Tsunami forecast for Bulgarian coasts of the Black Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-5478.
- Soomere T. 2013. Changing wave climate in the Baltic Sea basin, in: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2013: New horizons for Baltic Sea science, 26–30 August, Klaipėda, Lithuania. Coastal Research and Planning Institute of Klaipėda University (KU CORPI), 12.
- Didenkulova I., Rodin A. 2013. Peculiarities of the ship wake structure, ibid, 32.
- Didenkulova I., Rodin A. 2013. Properties of shallow water rogue waves in the Baltic Sea, ibid, 33.
- Eelsalu M., Soomere T. 2013. Wave energy potential in the north-eastern Baltic Sea, ibid, 34.
- Giudici A., Soomere T. 2013. In search for the areas of natural patch generation in the Gulf of Finland, ibid, 40.
- Nikolkina I., Soomere T., Weisse R., Geyer B. 2013. Simulated statistics of extreme wave events in the Baltic Sea, ibid, 95.
- Torsvik T., Soomere T., Kalda J., Viikmäe B. 2013. Improving the forecast of coastal pollution using surface drifter trajectories, ibid, 118.
- Averbukh E., Kurkina O., Kurkin A. 2013. Numerical simulation of trapped waves in coastal areas, ibid, 136.
- Didenkulova I., Pindsoo K., Suuroja S. 2013. Power laws for the cross-shore profiles along Estonian coasts, ibid, 157.
- Didenkulova I., Rodin A. 2013. „Parabolic cap” model for gravity flows and shallow water waves, ibid, 158.
- Eelsalu M., Soomere T., Viška M. 2013. Closure depth along the north-eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, ibid, 165.
- Nikolkina I, Soomere T., Didenkulova I. 2013. Monitoring of extreme wave conditions in Lake Peipsi, ibid, 215.
- Pindsoo K., Soomere T. 2013. Wave set-up in the urban area of the City of Tallinn, Estonia, ibid, 224.
- Torsvik T., Didenkulova I. 2013. Analysis of ship-generated waves – a case study for port protection, ibid, 261.
- Viikmäe B., Torsvik T. 2013. Analysis and comparison of automatic eddy detection methods, ibid, 265.
- Viška M., Soomere T. 2013. Spatio-temporal variations in the wave-driven sediment transport along the eastern Baltic Sea coast, ibid, 267.
- Zujev, M. 2013. Statistical properties of wave climate in the eastern Baltic Sea, ibid, 279.
- Soomere T., Viška M. 2013. Retrieving the signal of climate change from numerically simulated sediment transport along the eastern Baltic Sea coast. In: Under the sea: Archaelogy and palaeolandscapes. Final conference of COST Action TD0902 Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf, 23th–27th September 2013, Szczecin, Poland. Incorporating the final workshop of the CoPaF Project: Coastline Changes of the Southern Baltic Sea – Past and Future Projection. Szczecin, 93.