Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science
Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Rogue waves in nonlinear hyperbolic systems (shallow-water framework). Nonlinearity, 24 (3), R1–R18.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Sergeeva A. 2011. Statistical characteristics of long waves nearshore. Coastal Engineering, 58 (1), 94–102.
- Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Resonant amplification of tsunami waves generated by an underwater landslide. Doklady Earth Sciences, 436 (1), 66–69.
- Soomere T., Räämet A. 2011. Long-term spatial variations in the Baltic Sea wave fields. Ocean Science, 7 (1) 141–150.
- Soomere T., Delpeche N., Viikmäe B., Quak E., Meier H.E.M., Döös K. 2011. Patterns of current-induced transport in the surface layer of the Gulf of Finland. Boreal Environment Research, 16 (Supplement A), 49–63.
- Ryabchuk D., Kolesov A., Chubarenko B., Spiridonov M., Kurennoy D., Soomere T. 2011. Coastal erosion processes in the eastern Gulf of Finland and their links with geological and hydrometeorological factors. Boreal Environment Research, 16 (Supplement A), 117–137.
- Didenkulova I. 2011. Shapes of freak waves in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea (Tallinn Bay). Boreal Environment Research, 16(Supplement A), 138–148.
- Soomere T., Zaitseva-Pärnaste I., Räämet A. 2011. Variations in wave conditions in Estonian coastal waters from weekly to decadal scales. Boreal Environment Research, 16 (Supplement A), 175–190.
- Kelpšaite L., Dailidiene I., Soomere T. 2011. Changes in wave dynamics at the south-eastern coast of the Baltic Proper during 1993–2008. Boreal Environment Research, 16 (Supplement A), 220–232.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Runup of tsunami waves in U-shaped bays. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 168 (6-7), 1239-1249.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Soomere T., Parnell K.E. 2011. Beach profile change caused by vessel wakes and wind waves in Tallinn Bay, the Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 60–64.
- Kartau K., Soomere T., Tõnisson H. 2011. Quantification of sediment loss from semi-sheltered beaches: a case study of Valgerand Beach, Pärnu Bay, the Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 100–104.
- Kurennoy D., Parnell K.E., Soomere T. 2011. Fast-ferry generated waves in south-west Tallinn Bay. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 165–169.
- Zaitseva-Pärnaste I., Soomere T., Tribštok O. 2011. Spatial variations in the wave climate change in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 195–199.
- Räämet A., Soomere T. 2011. Spatial variations in the wave climate change in the Baltic Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 240–244.
- Soomere T., Andrejev O., Sokolov A., Quak E. 2011. Management of coastal pollution by means of smart placement of human activities. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 951–955.
- Viikmäe B., Soomere T., Parnell K.E., Delpeche N. 2011. Spatial planning of shipping and offshore activities in the Baltic Sea using Lagrangian trajectories. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 956–960.
- Kurkina O., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Soomere T. 2011. Mapping the internal wave field in the Baltic Sea in the context of sediment transport in shallow water. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2042–2047.
- Andrejev O., Soomere T., Sokolov A., Myrberg K. 2011. The role of spatial resolution of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for marine transport risk assessment. Oceanologia, 53 (1-TI), 309–334.
- Soomere T., Räämet A. 2011. Spatial patterns of the wave climate in the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland. Oceanologia, 53 (1-TI), 335–371.
- Soomere T., Parnell K., Didenkulova I. 2011. Water transport in wake waves from high-speed vessels. Journal of Marine Systems, 88 (1), 74–81.
- Pelinovsky E.N., Rodin A.A. 2011. Nonlinear deformation of a large-amplitude wave on shallow water. Doklady Physics, 56 (5), 305–308.
- Kurkina O.E., Talipova T.G. 2011. Huge internal waves in the vicinity of the Spitsbergen Island (Barents Sea). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11 (3), 981–986, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-981-2011
- Rousseau M., Maugin G.A., Berezovski M. 2011. Elements of study on dynamic materials. Archive of Applied Mathematics, 81 (7), 925–942, doi: 10.1007/s00419-010-0461-4
- Soomere T., Andrejev O., Sokolov A., Myrberg K., 2011. The use of Lagrangian trajectories for identification the environmentally safe fairway. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62 (7), 1410–1420, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.04.041
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Reflection of a long wave from an underwater slope. Oceanology, 51 (4), 568–573.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Nonlinear wave evolution and runup in an inclined channel of a parabolic cross-section. Physics of Fluids, 23, 086602, doi: 10.1063/1.3623467
- Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J., Berezovski M. 2011. Waves in microstructured solids: a unified viewpoint of modeling. Acta Mechanica, 220 (1-4), 349-363, doi: 10.1007/s00707-011-0468-0
- Soomere T., Berezovski, M., Quak E., Viikmäe B. 2011. Modeling environmentally friendly fairways using Lagrangian trajectories: a case study for the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 61 (10), 1669–1680, doi: 10.1007/s10236-011-0439-y
- Didenkulova I., Soomere T. 2011. Formation of two-section cross-shore profile under joint influence of random short waves and groups of long waves. Marine Geology, 289 (1-4), 29–33, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2011.09.011.
- Slunyaev A., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Rogue Waters. Contemporary Physics, 52 (6), 571–590, doi: org/10.1080/00107514.2011.613256.
- Nikolkina I., Didenkulova I. 2011. Rogue waves in 2006 – 2010. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11 (11), 2913-2924, doi: 10.5194/nhess-11-2913-2011.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Soomere T. 2011. Can the waves generated by fast ferries be a physical model of tsunami? Pure and Applied Geophysics 168 (11), 2071-2082.
- Kurkina O
.E., Kurkin A.A., Soomere T., Pelinovsky E.N., Ruvinskaya E.A. 2011. Higher-order (2+4) Korteweg-de Vries–like equation for interfacial waves in a symmetric three-layer fluid. Physics of Fluids, 23 (11), Art. No. 116602, 13 pp.; doi: 10.1063/1.3657816 - Soomere T., Viidebaum M., Kalda J. 2011. On dispersion properties of surface motions in the Gulf of Finland. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 60 (4), 269–279, doi: 10.3176/proc.2011.4.07
- Denissenko P., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Pearson J. 2011. Influence of the nonlinearity on statistical characteristics of long wave runup. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 18 (6), 967-975.
Papers in international peer-reviewed journals and collections
- Soomere T., Healy T. 2011. On the dynamics of “almost equilibrium” beaches in semi-sheltered bays along the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. In: The Baltic Sea Basin, Jan Harff, Svante Björck and Peer Hoth, Editors. (Proceedings of the 38th Geological Congress, Oslo 2008.). Central and Eastern European Development Studies, Part 5, Springer, Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, Chapter 13, 255–279.
- Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J., Berezovski M. 2011. Dispersive wave equations for solids with microstructure. In: Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011: The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems: (Ed.) Náprstek, Jiří; Horáček, Jaromír; Okrouhlík, Miloslav [et al]. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 139), 699–705.
- Berezovski M., Berezovski A., Engelbrecht J. 2011. Wave propagation in heterogeneous materials with secondary substructure. In: Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2011: Proceedings of the Third International Conference, May 22-26, 2011, Shanghai, China: (Ed.) Fan, Jinghong et al.. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc., 2011, 531–534.
- Didenkulova I., Viška M., Kurennoy D. (Диденкулова И., Вишка M., Куренной Д.) 2011. Изменчивость берегового профиля под совместным воздействием судовых и ветровых волн (Change of the coast profile under the joint effect of ship and wind waves). Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизикa (Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics), 4 (2), 66–78.
- Soomere T., Weisse R., Behrens, A. 2011. Wave climatology in the Arkona basin, the Baltic Sea. Ocean Science Discussions, 8 (6), 2237–2270, doi: 10.5194/osd-8-2237-2011.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Rodin A. 2011. Nonlinear interaction of large-amplitude unidirectional waves in shallow water. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 17 (4), 289–300 doi: 10.3176/eng.2011.4.02
- Soomere T., Viška M., Lapinskis L., Räämet A. 2011. Linking wave loads with the intensity of coastal processes along the eastern Baltic Sea coasts. Estonian Journal of Engineering, 17 (4), 359–374, doi: 10.3176/eng.2011.4.06
- Soomere T., Kurkina O. (Соомере Тармо; Куркина, Оксана) 2011. Статистика экстремального волнения в юго-западной части Балтийского моря (Statistics of extreme wave conditions in the south-western Baltic Sea),Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизикa (Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics), 4 (4), 43–57.
Papers in popular science books, journals and newspapers
- Mees nagu mitme tundmatuga võrrand (The man as an equation with multiple unknowns). In: R. Veskimäe, Põline partituur. Intervjuud akadeemikutega (Interviews with academicians of the Estonian Academy of Sciences). Reves Grupp, Tallinn 2011, 13–29 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2011. Kuidas mõõta randade tervist (How to measure the health of beaches). Loodusesõber (The Friend of Nature, popular science journal), 2/2011, 22–26 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2011. Tōhuku maavärin ja tsunami (Tōhuku earthquake and tsunami). Horisont (the leading popular science journal), 3/2011, 28–30 (in Estonian).
- Kask A., Kask J. 2011. Sadamarajatiste mõju rannajoone arengule lääne pool Toila sadamat (The influence of port construction on the evolution of the coastal section to the west of the Port of Toila). Keskkonnatehnika (Environmental Engineering), 2011, 3, 36–37 (in Estonian), English summary on p. 47.
- Puura I., Soomere T. 2011. Влияние на окружающую среду и потенциальные риски в результате прокладки газового трубопровода „Северный поток” (Выдержит ли экосистема Балтийского моря и Финского залива строительство газопровода „Северный поток”?) (Environmental impact and potential risks stemming from the Nord Stream pipeline), Горизонты Эстонии, 68–75 (in Russian).
- Kask A., Kask J. 2011. Setete liikumine Naissaare idaosa rannavööndis (Sediment motion in the nearshore of the eastern part of the Island of Naissaar). Keskkonnatehnika, 2011, 7, 34–37 (in Estonian), English summary on p. 47.
- Soomere T. 2011. BALTICWAY – The potential of currents for environmental management of the Baltic Sea maritime industry. BONUS in Brief, November 2011, p. 7.
- Soomere T. 2011. Tõrvikuid läites (Lighting up the torches), in: Usk vabadusse (Belief into Freedom) (A. Velliste, toim.), EELK Konsistoorium, Tallinn, 240–251 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2011. Contribution of fundamental research towards solving challenges of changing times in coastal science and management, Research in Estonia (Engelbrecht J., Varlamova G., eds.). Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn, 206–226.
- Soomere T. 2011. Läänemere lainekliima Eesti ranniku kontekstis (The Baltic Sea wave climate in the context of the Estonian coast), Teadusmõte Eestis VII. Meri. Järved. Rannik (edited collection of popular papers about developments in oceanography, limonology and coastal sciences in Estonia) (Soomere T., Nõges T., eds.). Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 69–82 (in Estonian).
- Didenkulova I. 2011. Lainepõhised ohud rannavööndis (Wave-induced hazards in the nearshore). Teadusmõte Eestis VII. Meri. Järved. Rannik (edited collection of popular papers about developments in oceanography, limonology and coastal sciences in Estonia) (Soomere T., Nõges T., eds.). Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 103–115 (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2011. Preventiivsed meetodid ranniku kaitseks me
re sisemise dünaamika abil (Preventive methods for the coastal protection). Teadusmõte Eestis VII. Meri. Järved. Rannik (Soomere T., Nõges T., eds.). Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 197–211 (in Estonian).
- Viikmäe, B., Soomere, T., Delpeche-Ellmann, N. 2011. Technology for finding optimum fairways for environmental management in the Baltic Sea. In: International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numeric and Applications “Particles in turbulence,” March 16–18, 2011 University of Potsdam (Germany), [Book of Abstracts], 78–79.
- Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I. 2011. Freak waves in the field of the nonlinear non-dispersive shallow-water waves. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-37.
- Rodin A., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Large-amplitude simple and shock waves in shallow water. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-62.
- Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Pelinovsky E., and Zahibo, N. 2011. Tsunami waves generated by submarine landslides of variable volume. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-101.
- Didenkulova I. 2011. Freak waves in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-102.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Nonlinear wave evolution and runup in inclined channels, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 13, EGU2011-103.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., Soomere T., Parnell K., and Viška M. 2011. Beach response on the interplay of two wave systems: ship wakes and winds waves. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-104.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Long wave interaction with the sea wall in a basin of variable depth. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-105.
- Nikolkina I., Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E., and Zahibo, N. 2011. Runup of landslide-generated waves, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-109.
- Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I. 2011. Freak waves in 2006-2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-108.
- Chaykovskaya N., Rodin A. 2011. Psychological characteristics of human behavior at a rogue-wave event. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-3981.
- Kurkina O., Talipova T., Pelinovsky E., Soomere T., Giniyatullin A. 2011. Prognostic characteristics of internal waves for the Baltic Sea. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-4559.
- Denissenko P., Didenkulova I., Pearson J., and Pelinovsky E. 2011. Statistical characteristics of the non-linear run-up measured in a wave flume. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-5111.
- Soomere T., Andrejev O., Myrberg K., Sokolov A. 2011. Quantification of the potential of offshore areas in terms of Lagrangia.n transport of danger to vulnerable regions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-6897.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Abnormal amplification of tsunami waves at special bottom geometries. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-7245.
- Viikmäe, B., Soomere, T., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2011. Optimizing fairways for environmental management in the Baltic Sea, in: 3rd International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean. Book of Abstracts (06-09 June 2011,
Qingdao, China), 66. - Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Abnormal amplification of tsunami waves at special bottom geometries, in: Abstracts of the XXV IUGG General Assembly (Melbourne, Australia, 28 June – 7 July 2011), 1441.
- Didenkulova I., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Nonlinear-dispersive properties of hazardous waves in the coastal zone, in: Abstracts of the XXV IUGG General Assembly (Melbourne, Australia, 28 June – 7 July 2011), 2011, 2103.
- Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I., Nikolkina I., Zahibo N. 2011. Analytical tests in the theory of tsunami wave generation by submarine landslides in a basin of variable depth, Abstracts of the XXV IUGG General Assembly (Melbourne, Australia, 28 June – 7 July 2011), 725.
- Soomere T. 2011. Towards the use of currents for environmental management of vulnerable sea areas, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 16.
- Giudici A., Kalda J. 2011. Compressibility of sea surface created by 3D current field, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 57.
- Viidebaum M., Kalda J., Soomere T. 2011. Dispersion properties of surface currents in the Gulf of Finland, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 60.
- Andrejev O., Soomere T., Sokolov A., Myrberg K. 2011. Environmentally safe fairways over fields generated by Lagrangian particles statistics: an application to the Gulf of Finland, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 70.
- Viikmäe B., Soomere, T., Delpeche-Ellmann N. 2011. Optimizing fairways to reduce environmental risks in the Baltic Sea, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 88.
- Viška M., Soomere T., Kartau K., Räämet A. 2011. Patterns of sediment transport along the Latvian and Estonian coasts along the Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Riga, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 91.
- Didenkulova I., Viška M., Kurennoy D. 2011. Change of the beach profile under the joint effect of ship and wind waves, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 95.
- Räämet A., Soomere T. 2011. Decadal changes in significant wave height in the Baltic Sea, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 96.
- Didenkulova I. 2011. Freak waves in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 98.
- Kartau K., Viška M., Soomere T. 2011. Decadal variations of wave-driven sediment transport processes in the Gulf of Riga, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 99.
- Rodin A., Pelinovsky E. 2011. Transformation of large-amplitude nonlinear wave in shallow water, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 270.
- Kurkina O., Kurkin A., Dorokhov D., Gorbatsky V., Morozov E., Pankratov A. 2011. Distribution, vertical structure and seasonal variability of horizontal currents near the Curonian Spit in southeastern Baltic Sea in 2010, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 272.
- Shurgalina E., Pelinovsky E., Didenkulova I. 2011. Life-time estimates for weak-amplitude freak waves caused by the dispersive focusing mechanism, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 274.
- Kolesova N., Kask A., Alari V., Raudsepp U. 2011. The role of abiotic factors on spatial distribution of dominant zoobenthic species in the northwestern coastal sea of Estonia, in: 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22–26 August 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia. Book of Abstracts. RSHU, St. Petersburg, 317.