Publications 2023
Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science
- Männikus, R., Soomere, T. 2023. Directional variation of return periods of water level extremes in Moonsund and in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 57, 102741,
- Soomere, T. 2023. Numerical simulations of wave climate in the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia (Special Issue: Earth System Changes in Marginal Seas), 65(1), 117–140,
- Mostafavi, M., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A., Jahanmard, V. 2023. Determination of accurate dynamic topography for the Baltic Sea using satellite altimetry and a marine geoid model. Remote Sensing, 15, 2189,
- Giudici, A., Jankowski, M. Z., Männikus, R., Najafzadeh, F., Suursaar, Ü., Soomere, T. 2023. A comparison of Baltic Sea wave properties simulated using two modelled wind data sets. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 290, 108401,
- Rajabi-Kiasari, S., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Forecasting of absolute dynamic topography using deep learning algorithm with application to the Baltic Sea. Computers and Geosciences, 178, 105406,
- Eelsalu, M., Viigand (Pindsoo), K., Soomere, T. 2023. Quantification of sediment budget in extensively developed urban areas: a case study of Tallinn Bay, the Baltic Sea, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 67, 103199,
- Jahanmard, V., Hordoir, R., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Quantification of hydrodynamic model sea level bias utilizing deep learning and synergistic integration of data sources. Ocean Modelling, 186, 102286,
- Heinoja, L.-L., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Examining the performance of along-track multi-mission satellite altimetry – A case study for Sentinel-6. Journal of Geodetic Science, 13(1), art. no. 20220159,
Popular science and science policy
- Soomere T. 2023. Hiiglaste õlgadelt näeb kaugemale (Standing on the shoulders of giants gives much wider sight). Postimees Nädal, 04.02.2023, 92(7946), 8, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Saateks (Foreword). In: Eesti merenduse ajalugu (Maritime history of Estonia), I köide (vol I). Varrak, Tallinn 2022, 9–11 (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Eesti merenduse ajalugu (Maritime history of Estonia). Sirp, 10(3933), 10.03.2023, 36, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Tunnete ja tehnoloogia sümbioos (Symbiosis of feelings and technology). Sirp, 12(3935), 24.03.2023, 37–38, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Merenduse ajalugu raiuti raamatusse (Maritime history carved into a book). Postimees Nädal, 99(7980), 25.03.2023, 8, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Rahu tuleb nüüd alles kahjuks pärast sõda (Peace will now only arrive after war). Sirp, 15(3938), 14.04.2023, 34–35, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Tarkus läheb peitu luust ja lihast inimestesse (Wisdom will soon hide itself in men and women). KesKus, mai 2023, 6–7. Republished: Postimees, online, Elu24⟩ Arvamus/ELU25> Teaduste akadeemia president Tarmo Soomere: tarkus läheb peitu luust ja lihast inimestesse, 8. juuni 2023, 11:49, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Hea seadus loob usaldust (A good law builds trust). Postimees Nädal, 110(8034), 10.06.2023, 8, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Im Dialog mit Tarmo Soomere, dem Präsidenten der Estnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: “It is imperative that the Academy earns the trust of society.” In dialogue with Tarmo Soomere, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Athene. Magazin der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1/2023, 23–24.
- Soomere, T. 2023. Oleme jõudnud uude ajastusse (We have entered the new age of anthropocene). Postimees, 110(8058), 19.07.2013, 11. (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Teadustöö eetikakoodeksi rakendamine teadlase kaitseks (The use of research integrity to protect scientists). Sirp, 41(3964), 13.10.2023, 14–15, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Meri ja rahu (The sea and peace). Sirp, 43(3966), 4–5, (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Tarkus ei ole põhiseaduslik kohustus (Being smart is not requested by the Constitution). KesKus, oktoober 2023, 7. (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Ranna tuleviku loovad loodus ja inimesed (Nature and mankind jointly create the future of beaches). Postimees Nädal, 134(8151), 25.11.2023, 8. (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Teadus akadeemilise vabaduse, eetika ja poliitika ristteel (Science on the crossroad of academic freedom, research integrity and policy). Postimees Nädal, 136(8161), 13.12.2023, 8. (in Estonian).
- Soomere, T. 2023. Tarmo Soomere: see, et loodus veel vastu peab, on ajutine (Nature still resists to our pressure). Postimehe aastalõpuintervjuu, Postimees, 199(8169), 21.12.2023, 6, (in Estonian).
- Soomere T. 2023. Õigus ja õiglus Maa ökosüsteemile sünnivad teadmistest (Justice to the Earth ecosystem is born from knowledge). Postimees Nädal, 138(8171), 23.12.2023. Arvamus. Kultuur, 733. 18–19, (in Estonian).