Publications 2023

Papers indexed in the ISI Web of Science

  1. Männikus, R., Soomere, T. 2023. Directional variation of return periods of water level extremes in Moonsund and in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 57, 102741,
  2. Soomere, T. 2023. Numerical simulations of wave climate in the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia (Special Issue: Earth System Changes in Marginal Seas), 65(1), 117–140,
  3. Mostafavi, M., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A., Jahanmard, V. 2023. Determination of accurate dynamic topography for the Baltic Sea using satellite altimetry and a marine geoid model. Remote Sensing, 15, 2189,
  4. Giudici, A., Jankowski, M. Z., Männikus, R., Najafzadeh, F., Suursaar, Ü., Soomere, T. 2023. A comparison of Baltic Sea wave properties simulated using two modelled wind data sets. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 290, 108401,
  5. Rajabi-Kiasari, S., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Forecasting of absolute dynamic topography using deep learning algorithm with application to the Baltic Sea. Computers and Geosciences, 178, 105406,
  6. Eelsalu, M., Viigand (Pindsoo), K., Soomere, T. 2023. Quantification of sediment budget in extensively developed urban areas: a case study of Tallinn Bay, the Baltic Sea, Regional Studies in Marine Science, 67, 103199,
  7. Jahanmard, V., Hordoir, R., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Quantification of hydrodynamic model sea level bias utilizing deep learning and synergistic integration of data sources. Ocean Modelling, 186, 102286,
  8. Heinoja, L.-L., Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Ellmann, A. 2023. Examining the performance of along-track multi-mission satellite altimetry – A case study for Sentinel-6. Journal of Geodetic Science, 13(1), art. no. 20220159,

Popular science and science policy

  1. Soomere T. 2023. Hiiglaste õlgadelt näeb kaugemale (Standing on the shoulders of giants gives much wider sight). Postimees Nädal, 04.02.2023, 92(7946), 8, (in Estonian).
  2. Soomere, T. 2023. Saateks (Foreword). In: Eesti merenduse ajalugu (Maritime history of Estonia), I köide (vol I). Varrak, Tallinn 2022, 9–11 (in Estonian).
  3. Soomere, T. 2023. Eesti merenduse ajalugu (Maritime history of Estonia). Sirp, 10(3933), 10.03.2023, 36,  (in Estonian).
  4. Soomere, T. 2023. Tunnete ja tehnoloogia sümbioos (Symbiosis of feelings and technology). Sirp, 12(3935), 24.03.2023, 37–38, (in Estonian).
  5. Soomere, T. 2023. Merenduse ajalugu raiuti raamatusse (Maritime history carved into a book). Postimees Nädal, 99(7980), 25.03.2023, 8, (in Estonian).
  6. Soomere, T. 2023. Rahu tuleb nüüd alles kahjuks pärast sõda (Peace will now only arrive after war). Sirp, 15(3938), 14.04.2023, 34–35, (in Estonian).
  7. Soomere, T. 2023. Tarkus läheb peitu luust ja lihast inimestesse (Wisdom will soon hide itself in men and women). KesKus, mai 2023, 6–7. Republished: Postimees, online,   Elu24⟩ Arvamus/ELU25> Teaduste akadeemia president Tarmo Soomere: tarkus läheb peitu luust ja lihast inimestesse, 8. juuni 2023, 11:49, (in Estonian).
  8. Soomere, T. 2023. Hea seadus loob usaldust (A good law builds trust). Postimees Nädal, 110(8034), 10.06.2023, 8, (in Estonian).
  9. Soomere, T. 2023. Im Dialog mit Tarmo Soomere, dem Präsidenten der Estnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: “It is imperative that the Academy earns the trust of society.” In dialogue with Tarmo Soomere, President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Athene. Magazin der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 1/2023, 23–24.
  10. Soomere, T. 2023. Oleme jõudnud uude ajastusse (We have entered the new age of anthropocene). Postimees, 110(8058), 19.07.2013, 11. (in Estonian).
  11. Soomere, T. 2023. Teadustöö eetikakoodeksi rakendamine teadlase kaitseks (The use of research integrity to protect scientists). Sirp, 41(3964), 13.10.2023, 14–15, (in Estonian).
  12. Soomere, T. 2023. Meri ja rahu (The sea and peace). Sirp, 43(3966), 4–5, (in Estonian).
  13. Soomere, T. 2023. Tarkus ei ole põhiseaduslik kohustus (Being smart is not requested by the Constitution). KesKus, oktoober 2023, 7. (in Estonian).
  14. Soomere, T. 2023. Ranna tuleviku loovad loodus ja inimesed (Nature and mankind jointly create the future of beaches). Postimees Nädal, 134(8151), 25.11.2023, 8. (in Estonian).
  15. Soomere, T. 2023. Teadus akadeemilise vabaduse, eetika ja poliitika ristteel (Science on the crossroad of academic freedom, research integrity and policy). Postimees Nädal, 136(8161), 13.12.2023, 8. (in Estonian).
  16. Soomere, T. 2023. Tarmo Soomere: see, et loodus veel vastu peab, on ajutine (Nature still resists to our pressure). Postimehe aastalõpuintervjuu, Postimees, 199(8169), 21.12.2023, 6, (in Estonian).
  17. Soomere T. 2023. Õigus ja õiglus Maa ökosüsteemile sünnivad teadmistest (Justice to the Earth ecosystem is born from knowledge). Postimees Nädal, 138(8171), 23.12.2023. Arvamus. Kultuur, 733. 18–19, (in Estonian).